最近的一项研究表明,石家庄大约有50%的青少年没有吃早餐的习惯。请根据表格内容用英语写一篇题为“Top Meal of the Day”的短文刊登在21st Century。(100单词)
原因 | 晚上学习太晚,不吃早餐可多睡一会儿。家长太忙,给钱让孩子自己解决。女孩子为保持苗条常不吃早 餐。 |
结果 | 课堂上整天想睡觉。注意力下降,考试成绩不理想。 |
建议 | 早餐不可少,提供全天所需能量的30%,且有助于活跃人的思维…… |
Mary was a university student. She didn’t have more money | 76. |
and her parents were not rich, but she had an uncle was | 77. |
fortunately enough to be a millionaire. He always gave her valuable | 78. |
Christmas and birthday present. When her uncle’s birthday came | 79. |
round. Mary want to buy him something really special, but because | 80. |
he was so rich, she did not know how to get him. She went into | 81. |
the shop in her town and explained her problem to one of helpful | 82. |
shop assistants. Finally she asked, “What do you have to | 83. |
someone who has already got something he wants | 84. |
The assistant sighed deeply and answered, “Envy, only envy” | 85. |