While I was in 9 th grade, I built a circuit (电路装置) for the traffic system of our city. After getting the first prize. I got this valuable advice from my father; “Do whatever interests you, and don’t let the work challenge you, make sure you are challenging that work.”

I have always preferred the projects which are challenging and related to real life problems. I clearly remember building a shipping program several years ago. I divided the whole project into several small sections. When I understood it clearly, used my brainstorming skill on it, and gave some basic ideas. Then I asked my professor for help before jumping into coding (编码). At first, I did not know how to ask questions correctly and always asked the question “How do I do it?” As I  kept working and discussed with my professor, I became more comfortable and those “how ”questions soon turned into “what if I do this and that” types of questions.

It took me four days to write the code. The desire to solve the problem kept me sleepless all nights brainstorming in even greater details. Every time I saw my program running smoothly, I exploded with joy. I still remember the last day of my work. I was getting some problem and didn’t know what to do. At that moment, a man came in to clean. He has headphones, and he was dancing while cleaning the room. Seeing this, I burst out laughing. That moment calmed me. I regained energy and interest and started to work again, and soon I fixed the problem.

My success in the project proved that breaking up a large problem into small parts could help find a possible solution. Discussing the problem with others was also very beneficial. Now I have gained the confidence to attempt any kind of project.

59.According to the passage, the writer was interested in___________

      A.developing traffic systems      B.doing challenging projects

       C.winning great prizes         D.writing different codes

60.The writer asked the question “how do I do it” at first because____________

       A.he had no clear idea about his program  B.he was too shy to express himself

       C.he wanted to he understood easily       D.he preferred this kind of question

61.We learn from the passage that the writer’s shipping program__________

       A.would benefit people a lot          B.was done together with others

       C.was difficult and needed patience   D.cost much money and energy

62.What would be the best title of the passage?

       A.Do It Yourself          B.No Pains, No Gains

       C.Learning with interest     D.Practice Makes Perfect

Heading indoors to escape the cold doesn’t have to mean watching the same old DVDs again. Here are some warming ways to get your weekend kicks:


Ten-pin bowling is old-school fun for all ages.Besides the 100 bowling lanes for which it is named,Gongti 100 has ping-pong rooms,kiddy rides, a games arcade(拱廊)and cheap beer. 8 Gongti Xilu,010-65522688


Get in some practice for the outdoor skating season at one of the capital’s ice-rinks.Le Cool on the ground floor of China World Mall(6505-5776)offers 90 min sessions for 30 yuan during the week.and 50 yuan on weekends,including skate hire. On a budget? Go retro at New Trena Rollerskatillg World,Baishiqiao Lu Haidian(6218-4225).Girls pay 5 yuan on weekdays and 7 yuan on weekends,while guys pay 8 yuan on weekdays and 15 yuan on weekends.


Want to release that pent-up aggression and get fit in the process? Black Tiger Gym has classes in many Thai kickboxing and Brazilian jiujitsu, taught by world champions. Suite 906,Bldg 9,Jianwai SOHO,Chaoyang District(131 2042 9724)


This is t11e workout guaranteed to make you sweat, no matter how cold the weater is. Bikram hot yoga is a series of 26 postures practiced in a heated room.Fine-Yoga teachers Hot yoga and other styles at 2 studios.SOHO New Town(85896414)and Pinochle Plaza(139 1120 9563).


CuIture vultures should drop by Beijing Capital Museum(010—63370491),where a major

exhibition of ancient Chinese Painting show is currently on show.9 am to 4 pm and 20 yuan for the ticket.Take Metro line 1 and get off at Muxidi station.

72.What does the underlined word in the first paragraph probably mean?

A.hitting something with the foot.    B.relaxation.

C.feeling of pleasure.D.giving up.

73.How many outdoor activities are mentioned in the passage?

A.5.    B.4.    C.2.     D.1.

74.In_______you don't have to exercise much.


75.Where does this passage probably appear?

A.website.    B.textbook.    C.science magazine.D.travel guide.

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