There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process.People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) result or a product that can easily be identified and measured.The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, and the foreigner who learns a new language—all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.

     By contrast (对照), the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way.The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties.In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.

     In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail” at first.How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow.Do we see ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more changes and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences.Do we think we’re shy and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe.Do we think we’re slow to adapt to change or that we’re not smart enough to deal with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.

     These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow.If we do not face and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing.We become trapped inside a shell of our own making.

40.In the author’s eyes, one who views personal growth as a process would __________.

       A.succeed in climbing up the social ladder

       B.judge his ability to grow from his own achievements

       C.face difficulties and take up challenges

       D.aim high and reach his goal each time

41.Which of the following can be viewed as the process of personal growth?

       A.Our manager was always willing to accept new challenges.

     B.Little Tom won the first prize in the Speech Contest.

     C.Max picked up French while he was in Paris.

     D.Daddy’s salary rose from $3,000 to $3,800.

42.About personal growth, the author advocates all of the following except _________.

       A.curiosity about more changes

       B.quickness in self-adaptation to new experiences    

       D.avoidance of internal fears and doubts

43.The best title for this passage should be _________.

     A.Facing new challenges   

       B.Growth ―product or process

     C.Unavoidable feeling of self-doubt

       D.Overcoming internal fears


     When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951, her mother told her, "Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesn't work out, you'll have something to rely on." Mary responded in typical teenage fashion. From that moment on, "the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course," she recalls.

     The show business thing worked out, of course. In her career, Mary won many awards. Only recently, when she began to write Growing Up Again, did she regret ignoring her morn," I don't know how to use a computer," she admits.

     Unlike her 1995 autobiography, After All, her second book is less about life as an award-winning actress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病). All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), an organization she serves as international chairman. "I felt there was a need for a book like this," she says."I didn't want to lecture, but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease."

     But she hasn't always practiced what she teaches. In her book, she describes that awful day, almost 40 years ago, when she received two pieces of life-changing news. First, she had lost the baby she was carrying, and second, tests showed that she had diabetes. In a childlike act, she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈). Years would pass before she realized she had to grow u p ---again---and take control of her diabetes, not let it control her. Only then did she kick her three-pack-a-day cigarette habit, overcome her addiction to alcohol, and begin to follow a balanced diet.

     Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity. "Everybody on earth can ask, 'why me?' about something or other," she insists. "It doesn't do any good. No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache, pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I've come to realize the importance of that as I've grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be."

61. Why did Mary feel regretful?

    A. She didn't achieve her ambition.

    B. She didn't take care of her mother.

C. She didn't complete her high school.

D. She didn't follow her mother's advice.                                                                         

62, We can know that before 1995 Mary         .

    A. had two books published

B. received many career awards

C. knew how to use a computer

D. supported the JDRF by writing                                                                                   

 63. Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her         .

A. living with diabetes

    B. successful show business

C. service for an organization

D. remembrance of her mother                                                                                              

64. When Mary received the life-changing news, she         .

     A. lost control of herself                          B. began a balanced diet

C. Med to get a treatment                          D. behaved in an adult way                                     

65. What can we know from the last paragraph?

     A. Mary feels pity for herself.

     B. Mary has recovered from her disease.

     C. Mary wants to help others as much as possible.

D. Mary determines to go back to the dance floor.

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