Summer Holiday Fun 2010 !

The summer holidays are upon us again Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!

Peterborough Museum

The Age of the Dinosaurs’is the museum’s main attraction this summer.Get up close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands—on exhibits! Watch out for monsters lurking around every ember! The museum is open from 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Saturday,and from 12:00pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August.

Call 01733 864663 for details

Saxon Youth Club

School holiday fun:Young people aged 13—19 will be able to produce their own music, compete in spots activities,or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club,Saxon Community Centre, Norman Road.Peterborough every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00pm.PLUS an aero ball tournament will take place on Thursday 12th August between 3:30pm and 6:30pm.

Call 01 353 720274 for details

Houghton Mill   

Alice through the Looking Class—a new production of the family favorite on Monday 30th.August.Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play.Gates open 5:30pro,performance 6:30pm—8:30pm.Tea room will be open until end of the interval.Adult £10.Child£7.Family £20.

Booking advisable on 0845 4505157.

Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey

Farmland Gaines:From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches,come and join the Farmland Team.Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette that is fit for a winner!No need to book,just turn up between 12:00pm and 4:00pm on Thursday 19th August Suitable for children aged four and above,each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission price Tickets Cost£7 per child.

For further information,call 01223 810080.

If you are interested in cooking, you can go to          .

A.Peterborough Museum               B.Houghton Mill

C.Saxon Youth Club                        D.Farmland Museum

You want to watch the new play with your parents,so it will cost you           

A.£7                     B.£17                   C.£27                      D.£20

Which of the following activities needs parents’company?

A.Playing farmland games                    B.Watching a new play.

C.Competing in spots activities.             D.Visiting the dinosaur exhibition.

If Tom comes to Peterborough for amusement on August 19,he will have ____ activities to choose from for himself. activity                               B.two activities       

C.three activities                             D.four activities

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



[A]. Science magazine published the study about orangutans. The scientists collected evidence from years of observations in six areas on Borneo and Sumatra. The scientists found that the animals demonstrated a total of twenty-four signs of cultural activity. Several actions were demonstrated in some orangutan groups, but not others.

[B]. The Environmental Investigation Agency and Telapak released the report. Telapak is an environmental group based in Indonesia. The Environmental Investigation Agency operates in several countries. The two groups say Indonesia controls ten percent of the world's tropical rainforests.

[C]. Richard Sandor is the chairman of the C-C-X. He praised the companies forming the group for demonstrating leadership. He said they believe that an active way to deal with global warning helps everyone. The group said its members want to reduce costs they may face from future rules on greenhouse gas emissions. Trading credits may help businesses find the most effective methods to reduce pollution. Members also hope to improve their public image on environmental issues.

[D]. Their most detailed effort involved ninety-nine kinds of birds, insects and plants in North America and Europe. They found that the territory where these plants and animals live has moved north by an average of six kilometers every ten years. In Europe, some butterflies now live as much as one hundred kilometers to the north because of changes linked to higher temperatures.

[E]. The new report says many areas experienced unusual weather in two thousand and two. Most of Asia, for example, was warmer than usual. India had unusually high temperatures in April and May. The extremely hot weather caused hundreds of deaths. There also were extremely dry conditions across India. Parts of Africa experienced unusual heavy rains. Yet other areas in Africa had unusual dry weather.

[F]. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. Hydrogen is a colorless gas. On Earth, it is present in large amounts in natural gas, coal, plants and water. By weight, hydrogen produces the highest energy levels of any known fuel. When burned in an engine, hydrogen releases no harmful pollution into the environment. When powering a fuel cell, the only waste is water. However, hydrogen is difficult to store. It also burns easily.



46. A severe ocean storm hit South Korea in August. It set a new national record for rainfall. In central Europe, more than one hundred people died in flooding caused by heavy rainfall in September. The flooding also resulted in thousands of millions of dollars in property damage. Yet large parts of North and South America had extremely dry weather.

47. One member of the Chicago Climate Exchange is American Electric Power. It's the biggest owner of electric power producers in the United States. Company officials say they hope their company's membership will demonstrate the ability of the C-C-X to grow.

48. For example, members of some groups make a kissing noise by tightening their mouths and sucking in air. Some groups use leaves to clean themselves or protect their hands from sharp objects. The scientists found that some of the animals use sticks as tools to remove insects from holes in trees. Other orangutans use leaves to crush insects or gather water.

49. Professors Parmesan and Yohe used similar methods to examine one hundred and seventy-two kinds of wildlife. They examined the timing of events in the spring, such as the appearance of flowers and the reproduction of animals. They found that these events happened an average of two days earlier than normal every ten years.

50. They say illegal operations to remove trees are causing large areas of forest to disappear. Environmental Investigation Agency director Dave Currey says the illegal operations are completely out of control.

Most Americans get what money they have from their work; that is, they earn an income from wages or salaries. The richest Americans, however, get most of their money from what they own — their stocks, bonds, real estate, and other forms of property, or wealth. Although there are few accurate statistics to go by, wealth in American society appears to be concentrated in very few hands. More than 20 percent of everything that can be privately owned is held by less than one percent of the adult population and more than 75 percent of all wealth is owned by 20 percent of American adults. The plain fact is that most Americans have no wealth at all aside from their homes, automobiles, and a small amount of savings.

Income in the United States is not as highly concentrated as wealth. In 1917 the richest 10 percent of American families received 26.1 percent of all income, while the poorest 10 percent received 17 percent, mainly from Social Security and other government payments. The most striking aspect of income distribution is that it has not changed significantly since the end of World War II. Although economic growth has roughly doubled real disposable (可自由使用的) family income (the money left after taxes and adjusted for inflation) over the last generation, the size of the shares given to the rich and the poor is about the same. By any measure economic inequality is great in the United States.

The reality behind these statistics is that a large number of Americans are poor. In 1918, 14 percent of the population was living below the federal government’s poverty line, which at that time was an annual income of $ 9 287 for a nonfarm family of two adults and two children. In other words, about one out of seven Americans over 31 million people was officially considered unable to buy the basic necessities of food, clothes, and shelter. The suggested poverty line in 1981 would have been an income of about $11 200 for a family of four. By this relative definition, about 20 percent of the population or more than 45 million Americans are poor.

36. What does the majority of the Americans have in terms of wealth?

A. Their income and savings.

B. Everything they own in their homes.

C. Actually, they have no wealth at all.

D. Their house, cars and small amounts of savings.

37. What is the percentage of wealth that is in the hands of most Americans?

A. More than 25%.                                    B. Less than 25%.

C. More than 75%.                             D. Less than 20%.

38. Why is economic inequality still great in the US in spite of the economic growth?

A. Because the proportion of income received by the rich and the poor remains almost the same as in 1917.

B. Because the economic growth has widened the gap of the family income between the rich and the poor.

C. Because income in the US is still concentrated in the hands of the richest 10% of American families.

D. Because some Americans made great fortunes during the Second World War.

39. What can we learn from comparison of the two poverty lines in the last paragraph?

A. The poverty line of 1918 is more favorable to the poor than that of 1981.

B. The 1981 line didn’t leave much to the poor.

C. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1981 line.

D. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1918 line.

40. From the last two sentences we can see that 1981 government’s poverty line _______.

A. was of no good for the poor                   B. was not put into operation then

C. was officially approved                         D. was not helpful to the poor

Saturday 28 April, 2001: Dennis Tito was setting off on his holiday. Mr. Tito’s journey was  certainly unusual! So was the transport he chose, and the price of his trip.

       The 60-year-old multi-millionaire from New York was sitting on board a Russian spaceship.  He was on a journey to the International Space Station. It might have been a routine trip for the  two astronauts who were traveling with him, but for him it was certainly no ordinary journey.  Dennis Tito was the first tourist ever in space, and he had paid the sum of $20 million to go there.  As the spacecraft left the earth’s atmosphere, Tito drank a glass of fruit juice to celebrate and  looked down at the earth’s blue-green surface. Two minutes later, he was sick. Luckily it was  only a minor problem. He soon recovered, and from then on enjoyed a smooth journey. When he  arrived at the space station, there was a big smile on his face. “A great trip!” he commented. “I  love space.”

       For a long time space travel was something for heroes. But all this is going to change.  Companies like ProSpace are investing large amounts of money in space travel. They want space  and space travel to belong to the public, not just governments. There are other plans, like voyages  through space from one side of the world to the other. Maybe we will be able to depart from New  York at nine o’clock in the morning, and arrive an hour later-- in Tokyo! Such a schedule would  allow the business traveler to return to New York on the same day, and still have eight hours for a  meeting!

Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

       A.Business Travelers B.Space Tourists C.A Space Exploration D.A Frightening Adventure

According to the passage, Dennis Tito    .

       A.enjoyed his trip very much    B.was too sick to eat anything in space

       C.suffered a lot during the trip   D.didn’t think the trip was worthwhile

Which of the following statements is tree according to the passage?

       A.Tito was the first American tourist in space.

       B.Tito contributed all of his wealth to his space trip.

       C.Tito visited the Russian Space Station during his trip.

       D.Space travel has become a routine for Tito since then.

It can be expected from the passage that    . travel will belong to the public instead of governments

       B.airplanes will some day reach the speed of space vehicles

       C.can will be able to circle the earth within less than an hour between two places on earth will be made through space

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