The sport of running offers many advantages.First, it is a great way to get in shape.It also helps relieve stress, gives you more energy, and makes you proud of what you are accomplishing.Most runners are happy with just these few items:
◇ A comfortable pair of running shoes that has good arch and ankle support and allows your feet to breathe properly.
◇ A good quality stopwatch such as Penta, ATLAS, or LifeTime.
◇ A water bottle.
If you are a beginner, try following these steps:
1.Walk slowly for 30 minutes.
2.Add short running sessions (期间) into your 30-minute walk.
3.Try a 30-minute run when you feel ready, but never become so breathless that you could not carry on a conversation.
You will soon discover benefits from running that you will not want to give up.You will feel more relaxed and focused.Your concentration will improve and you will find that, even though you are taking 30 minutes each day from your busy schedule, you will get more done.
Mendez Libby.Medical Advantages of Exercise.San Diego: Hanley House, 2005.vii–xii.
Manning Lynne.Athlete’s Guide to Quality Equipment.Dallas: Scanlon-Van Horn Publishers, 2006.
Ingrid Shopmeyer.Ingrid Shopmeyer’s Running for Beginners.New York: King Books, 2008.