
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

   You have been away from us for three years; you told us a lie which I came to know not long ago. On this special day for teachers across the country, I can   36    control myself from telling your white lie to those who would listen to me.

   Do you still remember the happy    37     about six years ago? We fixed our eyes on you at your   38    .You, a beautiful young lady,    39     us that you would live in our village.

   Soon after, we began to find you were part of your students and their simple honest parents. The villagers found their children    40     more time on their books    41    after doing their homework and housework. Yet they still    42      that one day you might leave. You    43      a smile all the time, which reduced to some degree their    44     of your leaving. You tried all your best in    45     your students, helping them not only in their studies but also in their money for school. You often put the importance to us the    46    of one’s life, so that must have been what you    47    after in those five years.

   One cold morning when class began, you    48    the room as if you had been crying     49    .In your class, we    50     but looked away from your eyes. You    51     for some time as if you were     52     to find the right word. You said you would go away and would never be back to teach because your boyfriend wanted you more….

   On the following morning, we    53     you the very best and the villagers gave you their    54     .The train took you away and your broken     55     .

   On other day I heard my parents chatting that you had lung cancer and left the world.

36. A soon           B. seldom               C. hardly               D. forever

37. A.scene          B. sign                 C. silence                      D. situation

38. A.speech          B. arrival               C. existence              D. explanation

39. A.promised       B. came                C. proved                D. replied

40. A.paid           B. spent                C. made                 D. cost

41. A.even            B. never                C. long                  D. but

42. A.forbade          B. feared               C. made                  D. allowed

43. A.wore            B. gained               C. presented              D. pretended

44. A.trouble          B. puzzle              C. question               D. worry

45. A.teaching         B. field                C. middle                D. course

46. A.necessary         B. method              C. value                 D. reason

47. A.were            B. guessed             C. supposed              D. met

48. A.entered          B. arrived             C. left                   D. returned

49. A.friendly          B. bitterly           C. happily                D. angrily

50. A.listened          B. described           C. discussed               D. talked

51. A.laughed          B. stopped             C. explained              D. spoke

52. A.manage           B. beginning           C. come                   D. trying

53. A.expected         B. brought            C. wished                 D. hoped

54. A.thanks           B. rewards            C. expressions             D. satisfactions

55. A.class             B. memory            C. heart                  D. body

First the ground shook in Haiti, then Chile and Turkey. The earthquakes keep coming hard and fast this year, causing people to wonder if something evil (邪恶的) is happening underfoot.

It’s not.

While it may seem as if there are more earthquakes occurring, there really aren’t. the problem is what’s happening above ground, not underground, experts say.

More people are moving into big cities that happen to be built in quake zones, and they’re rapidly putting up buildings that can’t withstand (经受) earthquakes, scientists believe.

And around-the-clock news coverage (报道) and better earthquake monitoring make it seem as if earthquakes are ever-present.

“I can definitely tell you that the world is not coming to an end,” said Bob Holdsworth, an expert in tectonics (筑造学) at Durharn University in the UK.

A 7.0 magnitude quake in January killed more than 230,000 people in Haiti. Last month, an 8.8 magnitude quake--- the fifth-strongest since 1900—killed more than 900 people in Chile. And two weeks ago, a 6.0 magnitude quake struck rural eastern Turkey, killing at least 57 people.

On average, there are 134 earthquakes a year that have a magnitude between 6.0 and 6.9, according to the US Geological Survey. This year is off to a fast start with 40 so far—more than in most years for that time period.

But that’s because the 8.8 quake in Chile generated a large number of strong aftershocks, and so many quakes this early in the year skews (扭曲) the picture, said Paul Earle, a US seismologist (地震学家).

Also, it’s not the number of quakes, but their devastating (破坏性的) impacts that gain attention, with the death tolls (死亡人数) largely due to construction standards and crowding, Earle added. “The standard mantra (咒语) is earthquakes don’t kill people, buildings do, ” he said.

There have been more deaths over the past decades from earthquakes, said University of Colorado geologist Roger Bilham. In an opinion column last month in the journal Nature, Bilham called for better construction standards in the world’s big cities.

Of the 130 cities worldwide with populations of more than 1 million, more than half are prone (倾向于) to earthquakes, Bilham said.

Developing nations, where populations are booming, don’t pay attention to earthquake preparedness, Bilham said.” If you have a problem feeding yourself, you’re not really going to worry about earthquakes.”

Another reason quakes seem worse is that we’re paying attention more. The Haiti earthquake quickly followed by the 8.8 in Chile made everyone start to think.

But it won’t last, said US disaster researcher Deniis Mileti. “People are paying attention to the violent planet we’ve always lived on,” Mileti said.” Come back in another six months if there has been no earthquakes, most people will have forgotten it again. ”

73. What is the main idea of the article?

A. The number of earthquakes is increasing this year.     

B. The reasons why earthquakes are so devastating.

C. The reasons why recent earthquakes have struck large cities.

D. Why earthquakes seem to be more serious this year.

74. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the seeming increase in earthquakes this year,

according to the article?

A. Greater underground activity.      

B. A larger number of buildings prone to damage during earthquakes.

C. Around-the-clock news coverage.   

D. Better earthquake monitoring.

75. According to the article, it is safe to say that ______.

A. there is an evil force beneath the world’s surface

B. large cities are always built in quake zones

C. enough attention has been paid to reducing the impact of earthquakes

D. the earthquake in Chili caused many aftershocks.

76. According to the article, the greater damage of earthquakes this year can be mainly caused by ______.

A. the occurrence of larger earthquakes

B. insufficient warnings about earthquakes

C. poor construction standards and overcrowding

D. an increase in large cities

       Most musicians agree that the best violins were first made in Italy.They were made in Cremona, Italy, about 200 years ago.These violins sound better than any others.They even sound better than violins made today.Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments like the old Italian violins.But they aren’t the same.Musicians still prefer the old ones.No one really knows why these old Italian violins are so special, but many people think they have an answer.

Some people think it is the age of the violins.They say that today’s violins will also sound wonderful someday.But there is a problem here.Not all old violins sound wonderful.Only those from Cremona are special.So age cannot be the answer.There must be something different about Cremona or those Italian violin makers.

Other people think the secret to those violins is the wood.The wood of the violin is very important.It must be from certain kinds of trees.It must not be too young or too old.Perhaps the violin makers of Cremons knew something special about wood for violins.

But the kind of wood may not be so important.It may be more important to cut the wood in a special way.Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully.It has to be the right size and shape.The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin.Musicians sometimes think that this was the secret of the Italians.Maybe they understood more than we do about how to cut the wood.

Size and shape may not be the answer either.Scientists measured these old violins very carefully.They can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape.But the new violins still do not sound as good as the old one.Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish, which covers the wood of the violin and makes it look shiny.It also helps the sound of the instrument.No one knows what the Italian violin makers used in their varnish.So no one can make the same varnish today.

There may never be other violins like the violins of Cremona.Their secret may be lost forever.Young musicians today hope this is not true.They need fine violins.But there aren’t very many of the old violins left.Also, the old violins are very expensive.Recently, a famous old Italian violin was sold for about US $ 300,000!

This passage is about _______.

    A.making violins                  B.musical   instruments

    C.scientific ideas                   D.the old Italian violins

The best violins _______.

       A.are made with modern techniques      B.were lost   many years ago

       C.were made in Italy 200 years ago       D.were made by scientists.

Some people think that modem violins ______.

       A.will sound better in the future     B.will sound worse in the future

       C.sound wonderful naturally          D.will never be as old as those from Cremona

Violins made today _______.

    A.look the same as the old ones

    B.sound the same as the old ones

    C.are better than the old ones 

       D.have the same varnish as the old ones

Plastic is one of the most important technological discoveries of the 20th century. However, it may soon be replaced. The new development- liquid wood- can replace plastics in all branches of modern-day industries.

Plastic as a material enjoys the biggest demand in the modern world, but it does have a number of drawbacks. First and foremost, plastic isn’t recyclable. Secondly, it contains toxins (毒物) helping develop cancerous diseases. Finally, it’s made of oil and oil reserves aren’t endless.

The liquid wood technology is likely to replace plastic and providing mankind with new materials for many years ahead. Norbert Eisenfreich, a senior researcher at the Faunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in Germany (ICT), said that arboform, the new material, is made of lignin(木素质), which can be obtained from soft tissues of wood. Once mixed with several other matenals, it turns into solid and non-toxic alternative for plastics.

ICT team leader Emilia Regina Inone-Kauffmann said the wood-working industry separates wood into three basic components, including lignin. Lignin isn’t used for the production of paper. Specialists of ICT mixed lignin with several natural materials and thus invented the material which could be melted and molded (铸型).

When solid, arboform looks like plastic and possesses tho qualitie of polished wood. It can be used for the production of any items. Arboform is already used for the production of car parts which require extra strength. In addition, liquid wood can be recycled repeatedly. The material preserved all of its qualities even if it’s reprocessed ten times.

However, the new invention doesn’t enjoy an extensive use due to the high content of sulfur(硫) in it. German researchers are sure to reduce the amount of sulfur by 90% very soon to make arboform usable for home needs.

71. According to the passage, plastic         .

A. helps us to reduce the use of petrol

B. helps to protect our environment in some way

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