Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart,was born in Kingfish,Oklahoma on March 29,1918. He was raised in Missouri where he worked in his father's store while attending school. This was his first retailing(零售业)experience and he really enjoyed it. After graduation, he began his own career as a retail merchant.

He soon opened his first Wal-Mart store in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas. Wal-Mart specialized in name brands at low prices and Sam Walton~surprised at the success. Soon a chain of Wal -Mart stores sprang up across coral America. His management style was popular with employees and he founded some of the basic concepts of management that are still in use today.

After taking the company public in 1970, Walton introduced his "profit sharing plan".The profit sharing plan was a plan for Wal-Mart employees to improve their income dependent on the profits of the store. Sam Walton believed that "individuals don't win, teams do". Employees at Wal-Mart stores were offered stock options(认股权)and store discounts. These benefits are commonplace today, but Walton was among the first to achieve them. Walton believed that a happy employee meant happy customers and more sales. He also believed that by giving employees a part of the company and making their success dependent on the company’s success, they would care about the company growing complaints that the "superstore" was stopping smaller and traditional stores from developing. By 1991,Wa1-Mart was the largest US retailer with 1,700 stores. Walton remained active in managing the company, as president and CEO until 1988 and chairman until his death. He was awarded the Medal of Freedom shortly before his death.

1.Sam Walton first made a hit in retailing when he_.

A. worked in his father's store

B. created Walton's management style

C. specialized in name brands at low prices

D. opened his stores across rural America

2.Walton’s management style emphasized_very much.

A. individual efforts B. team spirit

C. employees' loyalty D. fair distribution

3.What is the purpose of Walton’s carrying out "profit sharing plan”?

A. To encourage the employees to work hard and make joint efforts.

B. To make sure all the employees had their own shares.

C. To select excellent employees for his stores.

D. To make more profit for himself.

4.Which of the statements is TRUE?

A. In his old age, Walton gave all the management to his men

B. Walton wasn't one of the merchants who first achieved stock options.

C. The smaller and traditional stores were well affected by Walton's stores.

D. With Walton's management style, employees treated the stores as their own.


It helps to choose the colors you plan to live with in your home with awareness of how different colors affect your emotional and physical states. Every color has a unique meaning, and this can significantly affect how you feel in a room.

A room that is painted red will energize, inspire activity and movement, help passion, and be powerful and stimulating. A red room can also be exhausting and overpowering, and stressful for those who are anxious.

Orange rooms encourage happy, joyful, social gatherings. While an orange dining room or family room can stimulate the appetite, it is a great choice for such gathering places. Orange enhances parties, communication, positive feelings, and general good cheer.

Yellow rooms inspire intellectual clarity, organization, clear -headed thinking, and happy energy. Yellow is considered a color for the logical left side of the brain. Yellow is also very bright and somewhat energizing.

Blue rooms are often chosen for bedrooms and meditation(冥想)rooms because its cool energy is very calming, restful, peaceful, and spiritual. Blue helps inspire a quiet meditative quality, and color therapy with blue has been found to reduce blood pressure. Blue is also useful to make one to sleep.

Green rooms are very restful but combine with an energizing quality. Green is the color of outdoors, calm and active at the same time. Green brings balance and harmony to a room, and can be used as a calming place for people who are troubled or in need of refreshment.

1.What impression can green rooms give to you?

A. Passionate and powerful.

B. Refreshing and harmonious.

C. Cool and calming.

D. Inspiring and bright.

2.If you are going to hold a family gathering, which color of the room can best enhance your atmosphere?

A. Red. B. Orange. C. Blue. D. Green.

3.Which of the following statements about color is NOT true?

A. Yellow rooms inspire logical and clear thinking.

B. Blue creates a quiet meditative quality.

C. Different colors affect you emotionally and physically.

D. Red rooms are acceptable when you are in a bad mood.

4.What color should his room be painted if a person likes meditation?

A.Blue. B. Orange. C. Green. D. Red.


Throughout the centuries, various writers have contributed greatly to the literary treasure of books lining the shelves of today’s libraries. In addition to writing interesting material, many famous writers, such as Edgar Allan Poe, were larger-than-life characters with personal histories that are as interesting to read as the stories they wrote. Poe’s rocky life included being driven off from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1831 and an ongoing battle with alcohol. Yet, despite heavy gambling debts, poor health, and terrible unemployment, Poe managed to produce a body of popular works, including" The Raven" and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue.”

Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick, once lived among the man-eaters in the Marquesas

Islands and wrote unusual tales inspired by his years of service in the U.S. Navy. Dublin-born Oscar Wilde was noted for his charming personality, his outrageous lifestyle, and creating witty phrases such as, "Nothing succeeds like excess." D.H. Lawrence wrote shameful novels that were often cut, and Anne Rice led a double life writing bestselling horrible novels under her real name and using "A.N. Roquelaure" for the lowbrow(文化低)unhealthy novels she penned on the side. Nonconformist不墨守成规的)author and naturalist Henry David Thoreau once fled to the woods and generated enough interesting material to fill his noted book Walden. Thoreau wrote on

the issue of passive resistance protest in his essay "Civil Disobedience”and served time in jail for refusing tax payments in protest of the United States government’s policy towards slavery. American short story writer O. Henry’s colorful life was ruined by tragic events, such as being accused and sentenced for stealing money from an Austin, Texas bank. Despite his success selling his short stories, O. Henry struggled financially and was nearly bankrupt when he died.

As diverse as these famous authors’backgrounds were,th即all led unconventional lives while writing great literary works that will endure throughout the ages. The next time you read an interesting book, consider learning more about the author by reading his or her biograp卜y so you can learn about the unique life experiences that shaped his or her writing.

1.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Edgar Allan Poe?

A. He had his own interesting personal history as other famous writers.

B. He graduated from United States Military Academy at West Point in 1831.

C. He once had heavy gambling debts and fell down with illness.

D. He managed to produce popular works no matter how rocky his life was.

2.What can you infer from Para. 2?

A. D.H. lawrence and Anne Rice once wrote similar type of novels.

B. Anne Rice used a pen name because her novels were quite popular.

C. Anne Rice used different names when she wrote bestselling novels.

D. Henry David Thoreau enriched his books by living in the forests.

3.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Henry David Thoreau was passionately opposed to horrible events.

B. Anne Rice always used a pen name to hide her true identity.

C. Herman Melville stayed with man-eaters during his naval service.

D. O. Henry’s life was colorful though he had lots of difficulties.

4.The passage mainly tells us that__.

A. many famous writers lived nontraditional lives

B. most famous writers were usually troublemakers

C. writers had to lead interesting lives to generate materials

D. the biographies of famous writers are always inspirational


As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease-especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behavior, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can go further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious

foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.

The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely "not ill" and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body’。special needs. Both types have simply been called "well". In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms "well" and "wellness" only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they make a point of monitoring their body's condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap(缺陷)may be "well", in this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. "Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for.

People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.

1.Today medical care is placing more stress on__.

A. keeping people in a healthy physical condition

B. monitoring patients’ body functions

C. removing people’s bad living habits

D. ensuring people’s psychological well-being

2.In the first paragraph, people are reminded that__.

A. good health is more than not being ill

B. drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmful

C. regular health checks are essential to keeping fit

D. prevention is more difficult than cure

3.Traditionally, a person is considered "well” if he__.

A. does not have any unhealthy living habits

B. does not have any physical handicaps

C. is able to handle his daily routines

D. is free from any kind of disease

4.According to the author, the true meaning of "wellness" is for people to__.

A. best satisfy their body’s special needs

B. strive to maintain the best possible health

C. meet the strictest standards of bodily health

D. keep a proper balance between work and leisure


Learning how to be patient with people can be challenging for some. After all, not everybody is gifted with great patience. The good news is that it is something that can be learned and eventually perfected

When the customer before you takes ages to pay for his or her groceries, you tap your foot impatiently and cough every~and then; but,the customer is still not hurrying up. It takes all of your power not to make a scene. However, if you picture that customer to be someone you like (say your partner), then you will find yourself not getting too annoyed, right? So the next time you find yourself losing patience with somebody, simply imagine that person to be someone you really, really like and your patience will extend its life.

The second step on how to be patient with people involves whistling. When you whistle a happy tune, you instantly cheer up. You can sing your favorite song if you can't whistle—it really doesn't make a difference. What’s important here is that you have done something that makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you are more likely to be patient with the people around you. Next, when you’re stressed, it’s almost impossible to learn how to be patient with people. If you know you’re going to be in a situation where your patience will be tested, meditate(沉思)or get yourself a massage按摩)first. Don't dive into anything unless you've managed to clear

yourself off negative emotions. Remember: the more stressed you are, the faster you’11 you’re your temper. The less stress you have in your life, the longer your patience.

Learning how to be patient with people is not a necessity in life. You've seen people who manage to survive day to day with incredibly bad tempers after all. But do you really want to live like they do? If, however, you want a life that has better quality than that, then just follow these steps and embrace the fact that patience is a virtue.

1.What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 2 mean?(within 3 words


2.How many ways are mentioned to be patient?(one word)


3.What should you do when your patience will be tested?(within 6 words)


4.What's the main idea of the passage?(within 6 words)


5.How do you extend your patience?(within 9 words)



Family traditions were important in our house, and none was more appreciated than the perfect Christmas tree

"Dad, can we watch when you trim(修剪)the tree?" My eldest son. Dan, nine, and his seven -year-old brother John, asked

"I won't be cutting this year," my husband Bob said. "Dan, you and John are old enough to measure things. Do it all by yourselves. Think you boys can handle it?

Dan and John seemed to grow six inches in their chairs at the thought of such an amazing responsibility. "We can handle it." Dan promised. "We won't let you down." .

A few days before Christmas. Dan and John rushed in after school. They gathered the tools they'd need and brought them out to the yard .where the tree waited. I was cooking when I heard the happy sounds as the boys carried the tree into the lying room. Then I heard the sound that every mother knows is trouble: dead silence I hurried out to them. The tree was cut too short. John crossed his arms tight across his chest. His eyes filled with angry tears.

I felt worried The tree was central to our holiday. I didn't want the boys to feel ashamed every tune they looked at it. I couldn't lower the ceiling, and I couldn't raise the floor either. There was no way to undo the damage done. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, which turned the problem into the solution.

“We can't make the tree taller." I said. "But we can put it on a higher position"

Dan nodded his head sideways. "We could put it on the coffee table. It just might work! Let's try it!“

When Bob got home and looked at the big tree on top of the coffee table, Dan and John held their breath.

"What a good idea!" he declared "Why didn't I ever think of such a thing?"

John broke into a grin Dan's chest swelled with pride.

1.Who trimmed the Christmas tree this year?

A. The writer B. Bob C. Dan and John D. The whole family

2.The underlined part "grow six inches" (Para. 4) implies the brothers felt ______.

A. proud B. nervous C. worried D. scared

3.What happened after the brothers moved the Christmas tree into the living room?

A. They rushed into school.

B They began to decorate the tree.

C. They got angry with each other

D. They found the tree was cut short

4.What the writer's husband said in the end showed________.

A. he expected too much of the brothers_

B. he should not have given the brothers the task to trim the Christmas

C. he was too stupid to think of such an idea_

D. he really appreciated what the brothers had done.


Here is some news of the future.

March 20. 2035

There was a lot of news around the life extension drugs that hit the market a decade ago. They didn't promise that you would live forever. but they gave you a chance to extend your life an extra five to ten years. Even though the life expectancy rate at birth has increased greatly. the life expectancy for seniors hasn't improved that much. Basically. you have a greater chance to become a senior, but you will not have a much longer lifespan, and this is where the anti-aging drugs intend to kick in. So ,do the anti-aging drugs work? Well. it is too early to tell. But the sales so far are very good.

April 19, 2035

Of the total US population of 378 million, people over 65 years of age now make up 20% for the first time. The senior ratio was only 4.1% by year 1900. and l2.4% 30 years ago.

The number of people above 65 compared to those of what is considered working ages. between 15 and 64. is currently 33.7%. This is up from l85% since year 2005. which means that for every retired person there are now two workers. compared to four workers 30 years ago. The number of people above the age of 80 has grown t0 23.8 million; making them 6.3% of the total population compared t0 3.6% in 2005.

April 12. 2040

Although introduced in the market only five years ago, 10% of all hydrogen fuel now sold in the US is of the environmentally friendly Re-Hydro label, produced through. eletrolysis (电解) based on a source of 1OO% renewable energy. Several producers have turned to producing Re-Hydro. mainly because of lower tax. which also keeps the price of. Re-Hydro on the same level as regular hydrogen. Most analysts believe that Re-Hydro will be the .dominating fuel in the future

1.The sales of the life extension drugs so far clearly show that .

A. people have no faith in them

B people want to give them a try

C. they work very well for seniors

D. they have no effect on people's health

2.What can we learn from News 2?

A. Many Americans will find it hard to find a job .

B. It's very hard for seniors to pass the age of 80.

C. The US population has been increasing rapidly since 2005.

D. The US population has been aging rapidly since 2005.

3.We can know from the passage that the fuel of the Re-Hydro label is______.

A. expensive B cheap D. dangerous

4.What can we infer from News 3?

A. Re-Hydro will be widely used in the future.

B. The government discourages the production of Re-Hydro.

C. Producers are not interested in producing Re-Hydro.

D. Re-Hydro is more expensive than regular hydrogen.


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