Pilling a cat can be a 'terrible” experience. Cats don’t want something pushed down their throats, and they’ll fight with all their strength to prevent it. In fact, it’s amazing how powerful their small bodies can be.

The easiest way of pilling a cat is to press the pill into powder. Then mix the powder with a small amount of wet food. If your cat usually eats dry food, she will probably view the wet food as a treat and eat it up.

If your cat won’t eat the wet food that contains the pill or if she is too ill to eat, you can get a “pill gun”. There are some basic instructions. Getting your cat’s mouth to open is going to be the most difficult part. First, be sure the pill is in a handy place. Then you can put your cat on a bookshelf with her bottom in a corner or you can put her on your lap firmly tied. Have your cat facing to the right if you’re right-handed. With your left hand, hold your cat at the cheekbones, putting your palm (手掌) at the top of her head. Keeping your finger off the trigger (扳机), with your right hand, Insert the pill gun until the pill is positioned over the tongue and open throat Be sure to give your cat a treat directly after giving the pill.

If you don’t feel comfortable using a pill gun, you can try giving the pill by hand. Push your cat’s head backwards just far enough so that her nose is pointing towards the ceiling. At this point, most cats will slightly open their mouths. With the little finger or ring finger of the hand holding the pill, open the bottom jaw a little more. You may need to hold her top jaw with your other hand while doing this. Aim straight and lightly throw the pill or drop it. Most cats will then swallow the pill.

1.Pilling a cat can be a terrible experience because cats ______.

A. are amazingly powerful and dangerous

B. may fight with all their strength against pills

C. refuse something pressed down their throats

D. are difficult to treat once they’ve got ill

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the second paragraph?

A. Wet food with medicine is usually a treat to cats.

B. Cats used to dry food must reject wet food.

C. The easiest pilling is to press the pill into powder.

D. Cats arc most likely interested in something new.

3.Using a “pill gun”, you had better hold your cat ______ if you’re left-handed.

A. facing to the right B. with your right hand

C. at the head D. on your lap firmly

4.A cat probably opens its mouth naturally when ______.

A. its nose is straight upwardsB. it is touched by fingers

C. its head is turning around D. it is served with its favorite pills


Can you escape from a sinking vehicle? The answer is obviously yes. “But you’ve got to be quick.” said Gordon Greisbeck, a professor from the University of Manitoba’s. Here he gives four rules of survival.

Rule 1. Don’t call 911 until you are out of the car. You should get out of that vehicle immediately after unbuckling. Think about calling 911 once you’ve made it out alive. ‘Time is very important,” Greisbeck says, “If you touch your cell phone, you’re probably going to die.”

Rule 2. Don’t open the door. Roll down or break the windows instead. Opening the door is very difficult against the water pressure and it also allows so much water into the vehicle that it will speed up the sinking process. Since most vehicles now have electronically controlled windows, it is probable that the circuits (电路) will short before you have a chance to roll them down. So you’ll need a tool like the Life Hammer to break the windows open. And make sure these tools are within reach at all times.

Rule 3. Children first. Everybody should get out of their own window if possible, but the kids are going to have a harder time fighting through the rush of water, so push them out if you have to. Greisbeck suggests starting with the oldest kids and taking the youngest out in your arms.

Rule 4. Get out. Swim through the broken windows as fast as possible. You can’t imagine what will happen in the next second. Any intention to take your belongings can be deadly.

If you’ve failed to get the windows rolled down or broken, you’ll still have the slightest of chances to escape. Once water fills the car, the pressure will be equalized and you will be able to open the door. But to do this, you will also have to be expert at holding your breath in an extremely stressful situation.

How to 1.___ a Sinking Vehicle




Don’t call Immediately.

Make a phone call once you’ve 3.___ in escaping.

Time is of great importance.





Roll down the windows

or use a Life Hammer

to make the windows


◆The water pressure can make opening the door 5.___.

◆The vehicle will sink 6.___ if you open the door.

◆Most cars have electronically controlled windows and the circuits will 7.___ short.



Push the oldest kids out first, and then go out with the youngest in your8.___.

Kids have more difficulty 9.___ through the rush of water.

Get out.

Swim through the broken windows as fast as possible.

What will happen is10.___ your imagination.


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