The connection shared by grandparents and grandchildren is something very special and despite the changing family situation, it still remains strong across generations. For most of us, our grandparents were our first best friends, the ones with whom we shared our secrets and our pain.

In majority of the cases, grandparents would have babysat their grandchildren while parents were busy working and didn't have much time for their children. Even as a kid grows up, the love and affection for grandparents never dies, and for many teens, visiting grandparents or living with them in the same house is a pleasure. Kedar Patwary, a mass communication student, says, "I often end up having long conversations with my grandfather about the evolution of Indian society and I really admire him for the patience with which he answers all my questions. "

Many teenagers feel that their parents treat them as grown-ups, while their grandparents give them much freedom.

Leela Narayanan, a grandmother. says that she loves to pamper her grandchildren and cook favorite dishes for them. She further adds that her eldest granddaughter, who is now 19, was brought up by her till she was four and the closeness they shared remains the same even now。

At times, the gap m generations plays a negative role, when grandparents find it difficult adjusting to the modern lifestyle. Technology is what works against this relationship. Youngsters' eing crazy about with gadgets leaves them with no time for their loved ones.

Maria Kutty, is a grandmother t0 12 kids. Her face lights up every time her grandchildren are mentioned. But she has one complaint. "All my children stay close to me but when they come to visit and I want to spend time with them, I can't find them anywhere. They only have time for clickety-clackety things in their hands. Sometimes they listen to loud music and talk about things I don't understand. I feel very sad when I think of all those times," she says.

1.The author uses Kedar Patwary as an example ______.

A. to show Indian society is full of perfect harmony

B. to stress all the children admire their grandparents

C. to show grandparents get on well with grandchildren

D. to indicate grandparents are all good babysitters

2.What does the underlined word "pamper" mean in the passage?

A. Spoil. B. Raise. C. Manage. D. Educate.

3.The gap generation sometimes is negative because_______.

A. grandchildren can 't fit in with modern lifestyle

B. grandparents are eager to know more technology

C. grandchildren are addicted to their digital products

D. grandparents spared no time with their grandchildren

4.How does the author develop the passage?

A. By giving example.

B. By following the order of time.

C. By making comparisons.

D. By his personal experience.


The biggest danger facing airlines nowadays may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with portable computer in business class. In the last 16 years, pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference (电磁干扰). The source of this interference remains not proved, but increasingly, experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones.

RTC.A. an organization which advises the aviation (航空 )industry, has suggested that all airlines ban such devices from being used during "critical" stages of flight particularly take- off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights .Cur- rently , rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines. And although some air- lines prevent passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing, most are un- willing to carry out a total ban, given that many passengers want to work during flight.

The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft's computers. Experts know that portable devices send out radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and communication. But, because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory. they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be. dangerous or not.

The fact that aircraft may be fragile to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radio systems in order to damage navigation equipment. As worrying, though, is the passenger who can 't hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the music's too loud.

1.What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 16 years?

A. They may have been caused by the damage to-the radio systems.

B. They may have taken place during take-off and landing.

C. They were proved to have been caused by the passengers portable computers.

D. They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference.

2.Why is it difficult to predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplane 's computers?

A. Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane.

B. Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with.

C. Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs.

D. Because experts lack adequate equipment to do such research.

3.Few airlines want to perform a total ban on their passengers using electronic devices because_______

A. they don't believe there is such a danger as radio interference

B. the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved

C. most passengers refused to take a plane ,which bans the use of radio and cassette players

D. they have other effective safety measures to fall back on

4.The passage is mainly about_________.

A. a new rule for all airlines

B. the disadvantages of electronic devices

C. a possible cause of aircraft incidents

D. effective safety measures for air flight


San Francisco's Chinatown is the biggest and oldest in the country. It's the third most visited tourist destination in the city. It's also the city's most densely populated neighbor- hood. So why are. businesses in Chinatown struggling?

In this week's paper, I outline some of the reasons for why Chinatown's crowded streets and busy shops might be declining. Underneath the surface, Chinatown is falling. And the city, local organizations and businesses are trying to figure out what they can do to turn things around.

While numbers of people visit Chinatown, they don't stay long and they don't spend a lot of money. And beyond annual festivals,1ike Chinese New Years, this month's Moon Festival and last month's Sunday Streets - which drew about 15,000 t0 20.000 people – the neighborhood has a hard time attracting locals.

Can you remember the last. time you went to Chinatown ?If you can't, You're not alone. Locals told me that Chinatown doesn't have much to offer them - that the stores are all the same. There are some good eating joints, people said, but they don't know how to find them. Some people even told me that they sometimes go to extreme measures to avoid the neighborhood altogether. But when asked if the-v would like to see Chinatown gone, the answer was always a strong no.

Locals are hopeful that things will get better and traffic will increase when the Central Subway is complete. But chat's not for another five years. at least. And if' new shops or restaurants don't make their way into Chinatown. the same problem of attracting locals will exist.

Not that Chinatown's going to die. The dragon still has some fire in its belly. And many people are rooting for positive change. The question is, how does Chinatown change without losing the very importance of what makes it unique?

1.Which can we know about Chinatown according to the passage?

A. Businesses in Chinatown are going well.

B. Local people like going shopping there.

C. A great number of people visit it every year.

D. No period has seen a more prosperous Chinatown.

2.According to the locals we can know that _______.

A. Chinatown doesn't love to offer them assistance

B. shops in Chinatown lack their own characteristics

C. it is hard to buy quality goods at proper prices

D. they feel annoyed to see so many familiar faces

3.What is the author's attitude towards Chinatown?

A. Negative. B. Sympathy. C. Hopeful. D. Indifferent.

4.It can be inferred from the passage ______.

A. the Central Subway is under construction

B. Chinatown has to make way for subway

C. many restaurants have been closed down

D. the locals hope Chinatown will be extinct


Here 's your weekly roundup of who's hiring in town and in nearby St. Charles County and Maryland Heights.

Who's Hiring: Petco

Location: St. Charles

Job: Cashier

Description: The cashier will help achieve store sales goals while helping to provide cus tomers with the products they need for happy and healthy pets. Petco is looking to you to pro vide exceptional customer service as you perform all aspects of point of sale service - cash, credit and check sales, returns and exchanges: This means offering quick and polite response to those customers who choose to shop with us.

Requirements: While a high school diploma is preferred, you must be able to demonstrate basic math skill and strong communication skills. You must be customer service focused and able to interact professionally and effectively through both verbal and written communication with everyone with whom you come into contact.

To Apply: Apply online .

Who's Hiring: City of St. Peters

Location: St. Peters

Job: Temporary Parks Worker

Description: Performs general labor to repair and maintain parks, playgrounds. athletic fields, and trails. Operates and performs minor maintenance to light and heavy equipment, power tools, motorized equipment, and vehicles.

Requirements: Must be a U.S. Citizen. High School graduate certificate. One year of applicable experience. Ability to frequently lift and/or move up t0 50 pounds and carry it a reasonable distance, and occasionally lift and/or move more than 75 pounds.

Pay: $15.27 per hour

To Apply: Apply in person ,fax t0 636-477-1044. or mail to: #1205-Human Resources. City of St. Peters, P.O. Box 9, St.Peters M0 63376.

Who's Hiring: Commerce Bank

Location: Maryland Heights

Job: Teller

Description: Responsible for handling deposits, check cashing, money orders, official checks. traveler's checks, and saving bonds. Know customers' needs and suggest appropriate bank services. Make referrals (移交 )to sales staff to assist the branch in meeting its sales goals. Commerce Bank reserves the right to fill all Part Time Teller positions as soon as qualified candidates are identified.

To Apply: Apply online .

1.If you want to be a cashier

A. you should provide customers what they need for free.

B. you should make the customers satisfied all the time

C. you should exchange ideas with customers freely

D. you should select goods instead of helping the customers

2.If you apply for the Temporary Parks worker______ .

A. you must be an excellent athlete

B. you should finish the college course

C. you must be an American citizen

D. you should have your own vehicle

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. A teller should make advice for customers wisely.

B. A parks worker should weigh less than 75 pounds.

C. You must get in touch with Commerce Bank by phone.

D. You can earn the most if you choose City of St. Peters.



Easy ways to get healthy

I always hate the first few weeks of the new year, mostly because I-m sick to death of people in commercials who are all. "Let's diet ! It's a new year! "

You can always choose to switch it up! 1.Here are some simple ways to get your healthy on all year around.

Switch out bad habits for good ones. 2.Do something as simple as swapping nighttime cookies for nighttime vitamins.

Catch some sleep. One of the most important things we can do for our minds and bodies is to make sure. we're getting enough sleep on a regular schedule. 3.

Feed your mind. Keep your mind flexible and smart. Do crosswords, sudoku(数独). Start a new hobby, read a book about something you don't understand-anything that challenges you to think differently and exercise that brain of yours.

4.I'm not suggesting you take on a brand new fitness quest, but take the stairs, park farther away, and find a hobby you enjoy that allows you to be active..

Get organized. I'm not saying a whole repair of your entire world; start small. Organize a kitchen cabinet. Purge (清除 )yourself of stuff you don't need.

Get rid of the mess. That means your mind is included too! Make lists. Get a calendar and mark down important days. Clear your mind and your home. 5.

Smile. Overlook some of the bad things that are going on in your life. and focus on the good. There are positives in nearly every situation, even if it doesn't feel like it. Staying positive can help in nearly every aspect of your life!

A. Change your activity up.

B. Try exercising your brain too.

C. You'll find it improves your mood.

D. You are the one to improve yourself.

E. lt’s time to take charge of your health!

F. Sounds boring, I know, but trust me --- sleep is amazing for you.

G. Start small, and don't plan to change your entire life in a week.


When growing up, I hadn't the slightest curiosity about the authors of books I read; it was the _ that was important. My mother, and sometimes my father. read _ to us every night. I could hardly wait I could read and write my own books. But in the first grade,

I would sit with a group of while the teacher turned over large sheets of paper. had been written in crayon and seemed to have something to do with in one corner-a cat or dog or a tree in autumn. One by one the other children read aloud those black while I sat unhappy. One day I decided that perhaps was just making stories up. So the next time when the teacher to the words, I eagerly _ a story about a dog attacking a cat a tree in autumn. The teacher looked sad and-shook her _ , and I knew that I still had not discovered the magic secret.

By the time I fifth grade, "writing books" was still my favorite hobby. I rushed home from school each day to write down had been forming in my head. At sixteen my first story was in a church magazine. In college, where I was studying to be a psychologist, was able to pay my by writing stories. When I got my bachelor's degree, I decided to write more than anything else, so I began writing . I have since published books for both children and _ . I'm not happy unless I spend some time writing. Usually I write about six hours each day. I spend three months to a year on a children's book. how well I know the before I begin. A neovel for adults takes a year or two. When my work is going well. I wake early in the mornings, hoping it is time to get up.

1.A. experience B. story C. process D. class

2.A. aloud B. loudly C. loud D. widely

3.A. before B. after C. until D. though

4.A. teachers B. parents C. children D. writers

5.A. Lectures B. Rules C. Meanings D. Sentences

6.A. words B. news C. pictures D. promises

7.A. pages B. marks C. dots D. grades

8.A. reading B. listening C. speaking D. playing

9.A. turned B. picked C. pointed D. intended

10.A. set up B. told up C. made up D. put up

11.A. beneath B. over C. above D. inside

12.A. arm B. head C. leg D. ruler

13.A. arrived B. finished C. reached D. managed

14.A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. wherever

15.A. rewarded B. published C. recalled D. received

16.A. family B. work C. child D. tuition

17.A. part-time B. full-time C. sometime D. in time

18.A. adults B. men C. women D. students

19.A. figuring out B. carrying on C. depending on D. bringing out

20.A. readers B. characters C. topics D. chapters


Robert Ballard was born in 1942. From an early age, he loved the sea. Ballard grew up in Southern California. He spent his free time at the beach near his home. He enjoyed fishing and swimming. He even learned to dive.

When Ballard wasn’t at the ocean, he loved reading about it. At age 10, he read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a book which describes the undersea adventures of Captain Nemo. Ballard decided he wanted to be like Captain Nemo when he grew up. His parents helped him follow his dream.

Ballard was a hardworking student. He spent many years learning all he could about the ocean. By the age of 28, he was an expert. In 1970, he took a job as a scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts. There he studied underwater mountains of the Atlantic Ocean. He came up with ways to predict volcanoes under the oceans.

Working with other scientists, Ballard also found previously unknown sea animals. These animals lived far below the ocean’s surface, where scientists had believed no animals could live.

By the 1980s, Ballard’s interests changed. He developed unmanned vehicles to explore the ocean bottom. His first find, the well-known ship Titanic, made Ballard famous. He was not happy with just one big find, however. He looked for — and found — other well-known ships. One was the German battleship Bismarck. Another was the U.S. Yorktown, an aircraft carrier that sank during World War II.

Today Robert Ballard is still an underwater explorer. He also heads an organization that encourages students to learn about science. Ballard hopes that some of the students will follow in his footsteps. After all, the world’s huge oceans are mostly unknown. Who knows what remains to be discovered under the sea?

1.What was Ballard’s dream when he was young?

A. To be a science teacher.

B. To be an animal expert.

C. To be a famous writer.      

D. To be an underwater explorer.

2.When Ballard worked at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, he _____.

A. explored the undersea world by ship

B. thought of ideas to predict underwater volcanoes

C. found some unknown sea animals alone

D. set up an organization to teach students science

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. Ballard’s parents felt disappointed at his undersea adventures.

B. Ballard didn’t like fishing and swimming in his childhood.

C. Ballard was greatly influenced by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

D. Human beings have explored more than half of the sea.


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