Has been a dream for 30 years but now the world’s first flying car is set to hit the roads this year.

Ever since the “Back to the Future” movies lit up our screens in the 1980s, designers have dreamt of cars that could take to the sky at the push of a button(按钮). And now pilots can order their own “roadable” plane for just£127, 000.

The plane, which has fold-out wings that span 17. 5 feet, can be up to 115 mph. Back on the land, it can also travel at “highway speeds” in car mode(模式).

Fuelling(加燃料)the 19 feet long plane couldn’t be simpler—you just drive it into a petrol station and fill it up.

A spokeswoman said, “You can keep your ‘light-sport airplane’ in your garage. But because it needs a short runway to take to the air, you will have to drive to your local airport, fly up to 460 miles, land and drive directly to your destination(目的地). You will always be ready to drive or fly. ”

The spokeswoman added, “Never let bad weather change your trip. You can simply divert(使转向)and continue on the ground until the weather clears. ”

There’s no risk to you—this is only the chance for you to be the first at your home field to unfold(展开)your wings and fly into the future.

1.According to the text, the “roadable” plane   .

A. can fly in the sky at “highway speeds” in car mode

B. is a kind of car with fold-out wings

C. is a little difficult to fuel 

D. can only travel on the highway

2.We can infer that in the “Back to the Future” movies   .

A. there are some skillful pilots

B. pilots have no cars to drive

C. pilots can’t afford a “roadable” plane

D. cars can fly in the sky

3.What does the underlined word “it” in the 5th paragraph refer to?

A. Light-sport airplane.

B. Your garage.

C. The local airport.

D. A petrol station.

4.The last sentence of the text aims to   .

A. call for people to buy the “roadable” plane

B. show people the use of the “roadable” plane

C. tell people only the “roadable” plane can fly in the future

D. ask people to unfold their wings and fly into the future

5.If you meet with a thunderstorm in your “roadable” plane in the skies, you can   .

A. land in a nearby airport until it clears

B. turn back home until it clears

C. land and drive on the ground

D. fly high up to 460 miles


Although considered an excellent exercise, jumping rope has never received widespread acceptance because of two reasons. First, most people recognize jumping rope as an excellent form of cardiovascular(心血管的)exercise, but they also believe that it is simply too difficult. In other words, they don’t think they’ll be able to continue jumping for the near 20 minutes in order to achieve a beneficial physical effect. Second, many regard it as somewhat boring and overly repetitive(重复乏味的)—not as something fun or enjoyable.

As a matter of fact, jumping rope can be great fun as long as you find a proper way to practise it. Instead of doing the usual two-foot bounce(跳)over and over again, players good at rope-jumping often change their pattern every 10 or 20 jumps: a single bounce, a double-bounce, a skip, a knee-up, side swings, as well as a variety of other easy-to-learn free-style rope-jumping.

Nowadays researchers are discovering that jumping rope also prepares the brain for learning. It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres(半球)to perform equally to each other.

In short, jumping rope can be a life-long activity requiring little equipment, time and space, yet leading to a much healthier life.

1. One reason that can explain why rope-jumping has not spread widely is that


A. it benefits the cardiovascular system

B. it is too difficult for people to learn to jump

C. it is believed to be boring and repetitive

D. it requires little equipment, time and space

2. The first sentence in Paragraph 2 means that   in rope-jumping.

A. there is only one proper way to follow

B. the usual way should not be used again

C. the easiest way is always the best one

D. there are different kinds of ways to follow

3.According to the researchers, jumping rope   .

A. only prepares the brain for learning

B. is suitable for students only

C. helps both brain hemispheres work together

D. can be dangerous for old people

4.What does the writer think of rope-jumping?

A. He is strongly against it.

B. He is for it.

C. The passage doesn’t mention it.

D. He knows little about it.


Scientists are making new studies of color and its effects on our health. They have known for a long time that the color of a room or the color of the light in it can affect our feelings and emotions. Many prisons and hospitals have at least one room that is painted pink. Officials have found that light and color can produce physical changes in our bodies.

Professor Falfan worked with a group of 9 disabled children at school in Albert. Two of the children were blind. The other seven had normal sight. The scientists changed the color of the school room, and then looked for changes in blood pressure, heart beat and breathing rate. The effects of color changes were the same for the blind children as for those with normal sight. Their blood pressure dropped from about 120 to 100. Similar changes were reported in heart-beat and the breathing. The children were also calmer and less excited. Then the colors of the room were returned to orange and white. Blood pressure, heart-beat and breathing rate went up and the children became excited again.

Professor Falfan said different colors produce different levels of light energy. He said the differences seem to affect chemicals in the brain that carry messages from nerve to nerve and from nerve to muscle.

1. Light and color can affect   .

A. only one’s feelings and emotions

B. one’s energy

C. one’s mental changes

D. one’s heart-beat, brain activities, blood pressure, feelings and emotions

2. The color of pink had a calming effect, that is to say, the color affects   .

A. the chemicals in the brain

B. the eyes

C. the skin

D. the muscle

3.According to the text, orange and white are colors which can make people   .

A. calm   B. active   C. sick   D. blind

13. The colors in the school room mentioned in the passage were changed from   .

A. orange to white

B. orange to dark blue

C. orange and white to pink or some other colors

D. gray to more colors

4. After reading the passage we can conclude that   .

A. blind people can be affected by colors, too

B. one’s heart will beat faster in a colorful room than in a white room

C. the chemicals in the brain change with feelings and emotions

D. if one’s blood pressure drops, his breathing will get slower and slower


Tips for a Happier Workplace

You don’t have to be friends with your co-workers, but you do need to be friendly. Read on for fresh ways to make your office a kinder, gentler place.

◆Give a happy “Hello! ”in the morning

Do you walk into the office, eyes down, and immediately start work? If so, you are likely to find that co-workers ignore(忽视)you or avoid you. 1.It’s really amazing how fast this small gesture can change unfriendly workplace relations.

◆Learn the art of small talk

Ask your co-workers about their interests—their favorite music, movies, and books, as well as their hobbies. 2.Once you know what catches their imagination, pick up stories from newspapers or magazines to help start conversations.

◆Ask what they think

People love to be asked for their opinion, so go out of your way to ask, “What do you think of this report? ” or “How do you think I should deal with this situation? ” 3.

◆Avoid gossip(流言飞语)

4.So return the favor. When a co-worker walks towards you bearing a piece of gossip, respond(回应)with, “Really? ”and then change the subject or get back to work. If you don’t respond, the gossiper will move on.


To win friends at work, start with good office etiquette(礼节). There’s nothing more frustrating(令人沮丧的)to busy co-workers than to have their emails and phone messages ignored. Your silence doesn’t just make their jobs harder; it also conveys(传达)an unpleasant message: You are unimportant to me.

A. Stop complaining.

B. Return calls and emails immediately.

C. Then give the advice giver a silent thank-you.

D. Always work as hard as anyone working for you.

E. You don’t want anyone talking about you behind your back, right?

F. Showing an interest in them will make them feel comfortable around you.

G. Get into the habit of greeting your co-workers with a smile as you arrive in the morning.


Think of London and you will probably remember the bright red double-decker buses. Think of Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, and the noisy tuk-tuks may come to mind. Think of San Francisco and you might see the city’s cable cars.

Imagining what these cities would look like without those is difficult. They are symbols of these cities that make them different. However, these city symbols are not always so well loved by their city leaders. City leaders want what is best for their city, which often means the most modern transport.

In Bangkok, city leaders have banned(禁止)tuk-tuks because they consider them noisy and polluting. However, the ban has largely been unsuccessful as it has not changed Thai people’s love for the cheap tuk-tuks over taxis.

In London the city’s first ever mayor(市长)removed the red double-decker buses, which he thought were old fashioned. His plan worked, but Londoners were unhappy to lose the nice old buses they believed represented the best of their city. They made their unhappiness felt when the mayor came up for re-election. Most Londoners voted for his competitor, who promised to bring the bus back.

As for San Francisco, several cable cars are still in use but mainly as tourist attractions. They are too slow to be used for anything other than scenic trips.

City transport symbols may have a place in their city people’s hearts, but it seems they are increasingly out of step with the modern world. As Londoners have proved, their continued life depends on people’s willingness to fight for their survival.

1. What’s the author’s purpose of writing the first paragraph?

A. To introduce some city transport symbols.

B. To explain why some cities are popular.

C. To talk about modern transport in some cities.

D. To attract more tourists to visit some cities.

2.The London double-decker bus is returning mainly because   .

A. the new mayor loves it

B. Londoners fought for it

C. it is an improved transport

D. it is popular with tourists

3. Which proves the old city transport symbols are not loved by city leaders?

A. Only a few cable cars are still in use in San Francisco.

B. Bangkok city leaders tried to remove the cheap tuk-tuks.

C. The mayor who sold double-decker buses lost the re-election.

D. The new mayor will bring back improved double-decker buses.

4. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Modern cities should remove old city transport symbols.

B. The writer thinks highly of the old city transport symbols.

C. Old city transport symbols face the problem of survival.

D. Tourist cities will lose their attraction without the symbols.


Nearly all the tourists who come to southeast France make a tour to Monaco(摩纳哥), too. Lying near the French-Italian border, Monaco is not part of France, but a separate principality(公国), though it is surrounded by its greatest neighbour.

Monaco became a principality in the 16th century after being owned by a family member of a certain Italian king. The French and Italians, however, soon came to “protect” it one after another, until 1861, when it became its own master again.

Facing the blue Mediterranean(地中海), Monaco is mainly made up of two cities, Monaco, where the palace of the prince(王子)stands, and Monte Carlo(蒙特卡洛), which is a wonderful place for tourists. Every year, around half a million people from all parts of the world come to Monaco, nearly 25 times as much as its population.

Believe it or not, Monaco has no soldiers or policemen of its own. Law and order is kept by French police, and French stands for it in its foreign affairs, even the money used in Monaco is franc, too.

1.Monaco is   .

A. another name for Monte Carlo

B. mostly visited by French tourists

C. surrounded by France

D. more related to Italy than to France

2. Monaco has a population of   .

A. over 20, 000     B. 20, 000 or so

C. more than 25, 000D. no more than 20, 000

3. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The national income of Monaco depends mainly on France.

B. Monaco is famous for having no soldiers or policemen of its own.

C. Monaco does not have a seat in the UN because it is too small a country.

D. Monte Carlo City seems more important for the existence of this principality.

4. The Head of Monaco is   .

A. the King

B. the President of France

C. a member of the royal family

D. the Emperor


You might notice something new in the next few years as you watch Disney programs: Starting in 2015, there won’t be any candy, sugary cereal or fast-food commercials aimed at kids.

The Walt Disney Company has become the first major media company to ban ads for junk food on its TV channels, radio stations and websites. It hopes this will stop kids from making poor food choices.

First Lady Michelle Obama called it a “game changer” that is sure to send a message to the rest of the children’s entertainment industry. “Just a few years ago, if you had told me or any other mom or dad in America that our kids wouldn’t see a single ad for junk food while they watched their favorite cartoons on a major TV network, we wouldn’t have believed you, ”said the First Lady, who heads a campaign to help stop child obesity.

The ban would apply to Disney-owned ABC stations as well as Radio Disney and Disney-owned websites aimed at families with young children. In addition, Disney plans to make changes to its kids’ menus at theme parks and resorts(度假胜地). Fast-food options will be replaced with healthier choices, such as smoothies(果汁), apples, vegetables and yogurt.

In addition to candy bars and fast-food meals, other foods that don’t meet Disney’s nutritional standards will be banned from the company’s kid-targeted media. Any cereal with 10 grams or more of sugar per serving will be off the air. There will be no ads for full meals of more than 600 calories. Juices with high levels of sugar and foods with too much salt will also be pulled.

Leslie Goodman, Disney’s senior vice-president of Corporate Citizenship, said a company that wants to advertise will need to show that it offers a range of healthy options.

Disney isn’t the only one pushing away unhealthy foods. Last week, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested a ban on drinks over 16 ounces sold in movie theaters, restaurants and convenience stores in the Big Apple. He says large, sugary drinks are partly to blame for obesity.

1. What will the Walt Disney Company do from 2015?

A. Produce more and better cartoons for young kids.

B. Stop broadcasting advertisements for junk food on TV.

C. Help kids develop healthy lifestyle in the program.

D. Provide healthier food for kids while they are watching programs.

2. What Michelle Obama said suggests that while watching cartoons   .

A. kids didn’t believe what the commercials said

B. kids don’t enjoy eating candy, sugary cereal or junk food

C. kids would see a lot of fast-food commercials on TV

D. kids find pleasure in watching fast-food commercials

3. The underlined phrase “be off the air” in Paragraph 5 probably means“   ”.

A. not be broadcast   B. be in need

C. become popularD. be praised

4. According to Michael Bloomberg, to fight child obesity, kids should   .

A. watch fewer cartoons

B. drink less sugary drinks

C. not go to movie theaters

D. take more physical exercise


Scientists at Royal Holloway, University of London and Queen Mary, University of London have discovered that bees learn to fly the shortest possible route between flowers even if they discover the flowers in a different order. Bees are effectively solving the “traveling salesman problem”, and they are the first creatures found to do this.

The traveling salesman must find the shortest route that allows him to visit all locations on his route. Computers solve it by comparing the length of all possible routes and choosing the shortest, and it can keep computers busy for days. However, bees solve it without computer assistance using a brain the size of grass seed. Dr. Nigel Raine, from the School of Biological Sciences at Royal Holloway explains, “Bees solve traveling salesman problems every day. They visit flowers at multiple locations and because bees use lots of energy to fly, they find a route which keeps flying to a minimum. ”

The team used the computer to control artificial flowers to test whether bees would follow a route defined by the order in which they discovered the flowers or if they would find the shortest route. After exploring the location of the flowers, bees quickly learned to fly the shortest route.

As well as improving our understanding of how bees move around the landscape pollinating(授粉)crops and wild flowers, this research, which is due to be published in The American Naturalist, has other applications. Our lifestyle relies on networks such as traffic on the roads, information flow on the Web and business supply chains. By understanding how bees can solve their problems with such a tiny brain, we can improve our management of these everyday networks without needing lots of computer time. Dr. Raine adds, “Despite their tiny brains, bees are capable of extraordinary feats of behavior. We need to understand how they can solve the traveling salesman problem without a computer. ”

1. What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Bees help salesmen travel

B. Tiny-brained bees solve a complex mathematical problem

C. How bees discover the flowers

D. How to solve the “traveling salesman problem”

2.We may infer from the second paragraph that the “traveling salesman problem”    .

A. can be solved by a computer easily

B. can’t even be solved by a computer

C. can puzzle both people and computers

D. remains to be solved by scientists

3. The main purpose of the last paragraph is to   .

A. provide further proof for the research

B. tell us how bees can fly the shortest route between flowers

C. tell us how the research about bees’ flying route was conducted

D. explain the importance of the research

4. It can be concluded from the passage that   .

A. all creatures are smarter than computers

B. the research about bees’ flying route can be applied to many fields

C. our networks are more complex than bees’ ones

D. with the help of the computer we can find out how bees can solve the “traveling salesman problem”


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