【题目】Oncea rabbit built a fantastic warren(大杂院)He____very happily there.He had designed it so well that____a great rainstorm arrivedwhich flooded nearly the whole woodand the homes of many animalshis____untouched.

Soonone after anotherthe____animals came to his doorasking if they could spend that___with him in his warren.He__each visitor inand the warren filled up____until there was no room left.This discomfort didn't____the rabbitbecause he felt he was being generous.

One day in springwhen all the animals had returned to their____homesthe rabbit was hopping along so absentmindedly that he didn't___that a lynx(山猫)was lying in wait for him.__ __of the animals who had spent the winter in the rabbit's warren saw thisand warned the rabbit of the danger____in time.He offered a warm invitation to the rabbit to live in his home with him___.

The lynx destroyed that home____the rabbit managed to escape and run to hide in the home of____friend.For a whole daythe lynx____the rabbit from cave to cavebut the rabbit___managed to save his skinhelped all the time by the friends he had offered shelter to in the winter.

He felt very____not only for having escaped the lynxbut also____having made so many friends in the forestthanks to his own____to others.In his life he always tried his best to offer kindness to anyone in trouble.

【语篇导读】 在暴风雨之后,好多动物无家可归,是兔子收留了它们;当兔子遇到困难,是它收留过的动物给予帮助,为此,兔子很感动。

1A.worked Blived Cslept Dstudied

2A.while BuntilCbefore Dwhen

3A.became BgrewCremained Dseemed

4A.homeless Bfearless Ccareess Dhelpless

5A.spring BsummerCautumn Dwinter

6A.forced Bstopped Cinvited Ddrove

7A.gradually Bquickly Csuddenly Dsecretly

8A.interrupt Binjure Cenjoy Dbother

9A.large Bold Cbroken Dmodern

10A.realize Bagree Cunderstand Dexplain

11A.Some BMany COne DNeither

12A.still Bjust Ceven Dalso

13A.for sure Bon time Cin relief Dat once

14A.but Band Cso Dfor

15A.last Bnext Cother Danother

16A.searched Battended Cfollowed Dprotected

17A.never Balways Chardly Doften

18A.moved BsurprisedCworried Dpuzzled

19A.on Bwith Cfor Din

20A.patience Bkindness apology Dexcuse

【题目】When you meet friendsfamily and new peoplethey all want to have an interesting conversation.Most of the time this____you will make a great impression when you bring up interesting topics of____told in the form of a story.

____let's say a new hotel has just opened in your city.One way to____this is to give the facts and the statisticsit is a 5 Star hotel with 00 roomsa gymgreat views of the skyline and a roof top restaurant.That is not the____I'd introduce that news as a topic of conversation.I'd tell a story.

On Tuesday evening last night a little after 8pm I was walking down Main Street with Lisa when we___unusual red lights way down the street.We had some time to____before meeting her sister so we walked a few more blocks____those red lights got closer and closer.We still didn't know what the____were about.

Anywaywe got to the building and____that those red lights were all around the building.It's a hotel but it doesn't look like any hotel I've____seen.As you walk up to the entrance it's more like walking along a passage____a really weird art gallery and a European late night bar.

We walked in and ended up talking to the____.He even gave us a tour of the bar and restaurant before taking us____in the elevator to the roof.What a____You can see right across the city from up there.This is a very____hotel.I've never seen anything like it.

Notice how I____a news item without making it sound like a news broadcast.I introduced very few___.I would share more information if the person I'm talking to____me to tell them more.First I need to get their attention to____if they have any interest in that subject.Story telling is the best way to do that.

【语篇导读】 不管是会见朋友,还是和家人相聚,谈话的方式都很重要。本文通过作者的亲身体会,介绍了交流的最佳方法。在作者看来,以讲故事的形式谈话会有意想不到的谈话效果。

1A.promises Bmeans Cexplains Dproves

2A.quarrel Bargument Cdiscussion Dconversation

3A.For example BWhat's more CIn fact DBy the way

4A.build Bdesign Cmention Denjoy

5A.time Bexcuse Creason Dway

6A.switched Bspotted Crecognized Dtransform

7A.spare Bsave Ckill Drest

8A.until Bif Cthough Dbecause

9A.houses Btrees Croads Dlights

10A.predicted Bnoticed Cguessed Dadmitted

11A.often Busually Cever Dhardly

12A.between Bthrough Cbeyond Dalong

13A.captain Bchairman Cmonitor Dmanager

14A.down Bup Cin Dout

15A.sign Bmark Cview Dsymbol

16A.unique Bpopular Cfamiliar Dsteady

17A.evaluated Bapproved Ccovered Dshared

18A.secrets Bfacts Cideas Dpoints

19A.allows Bforbids Casks Dbegs

20A.see Bwonder Cdoubt Danswer

【题目】When Danny Bowman was at schoolhe was so crazy to attract girls.He spent 10 hours a day__more than 00 selfies(自拍)trying to find the____one.

He would take 10 photos of____before he washed and would go____class secretly three times every hour.At 16he dropped out of school____he could throw himself into his addiction(上瘾)and he ate___.He did not leave his house for six monthsand when he failed to take the perfect picturehe tried to____ himself by taking an overdose(过度用药)His motherPenny____to save himand forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become____.

The 19yearoldbelieved to be Britain's first selfie___is now under special treatment____.He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months and has____that achieving perfection is___.He told the Sunday Mirror,“I was constantly____the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldn'tI wanted to die.I____my friendsmy educationmy health and almost my life.The only thing I____ about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy the desire for a picture of myself at any time of the day. He expressed his____to the doctors and said their help kept him____and called on others to ask for help____ they ended up in hospital.

One psychologist at a clinic____Danny was treated said the addiction to taking selfies has now become a mental illness.

【语篇导读】 丹尼自拍上瘾,为了拍到最完美的照片而辍学、自杀;为此,丹尼的妈妈和医生们及时给予帮助,并很快使他恢复了健康。

1making Btaking Chaving Dgetting

2perfect Bbeautiful Cgood Dcomfortable

3others Bhis teacherCthe classroom Dhimself

4into Bout of Cinside Daway

5so that Bbecause Cbut Das if

6more Bnothing Cless Deverything

7A.surprise Bcalm Ckill Dthank

8A.managed Bdecided Cfailed Dsucceeded

9under control Bout of controlCin order Dout of date

10winner Bloser Ckiller Daddict

11in hospital Bat homeCat school Dat work

12expected BrealizedCimagined Drecognized

13impossible BpossibleCnecessary Dunpleasant

14in need of Bin want ofCin search of Din favor of

15missed BleftClost Dgot

16A.cared BworriedCdreamed Dtalked

17A.happiness BregretCthanks Dsadness

18wise BwealthyCpatient Dalive

19after BuntilCwhile Dbefore

20when BwhereCwhich Dhow

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