【题目】Astronomy (天文学) is the oldest science known to man. Thousands of years ago man looked at the stars and wondered about heavens(天堂). But the six planets that he could see with his eyes alone limited man.

The Greeks studied astronomy over 2,000 years ago. They could see the size, color, and brightness of a star. They could see its place in the sky. They watched the stars move as the seasons changed. But the Greeks had no tools to help themselves study the heavens.

Each new tool added to the field of astronomy helped man reach out into space. Until there were telescopes(望远镜), man did not know much about the moon. He did not know that the planet called Saturn(土星) had rings around it. His sight was so limited that he could not see all the planets. In the early 1700s, people thought there were only six planets. Pluto (冥王星), the last of the nine planets to be discovered was seen until 1930.

Before the spectroscopes (分光镜), man didn’t know what kind of gas was in the sun or other stars, without radio telescopes(射电望远镜), we did not know that radio noise came from far in space.

Today, astronomy is a growing science. We have learned more in the past fifty years than in the whole history of astronomy.

【1】Thousands of years ago, what did the man watch with his eyes?

A. The moon B. The stars

C. The universe D. All the planets

【2】When the Greeks watched the stars, they could ________.

A. know what the stars were made of

B. not see their places in the sky

C. help themselves study the heavens

D. watch the stars move as the seasons changed

【3】Man knew very little about the moon until there were ________.

A. telescopes B. spectroscopes

C. radio telescopes D. spaceships

【4】People didn’t know about Pluto until ________.

A. the 1700s B. 2,000 years ago

C. 1930 D. thousands of years ago

【题目】Another thing an astronaut has to learn about is eating in space.Food is weightless, just as men are.

Food for space has to be packed in special ways.Some of it goes into tubes that a man can squeeze into his mouth.Bite-sized cookies are packed in plastic.

There is a good reason for covering each bite.The plastic keeps pieces of food from traveling in the spaceship.On the earth very small pieces of food would simply fall to the floor.But gravity doesn’t pull them to the floor when they are out of the plastic in a spaceship.They move here and there and can get into a man’s eyes or into the spaceship’s instruments.If any of the instruments is blocked, the astronauts may have trouble getting safely home.

As astronauts travel on longer space trips, they must take time to sleep.An astronaut can fit himself to his seat with a kind of seat belt. Or, if he wants to, he can sleep in a sleeping bag which is fixed in place under his seat.But be careful he must put his hands under the belt when he goes to sleep.This is because he is really afraid that he might touch one of controls that isn’t supposed to be touched until later.

【1】Why would astronauts cover each bite of food in space?

A. Because small pieces of food would fall down to the floor.

B. Because weightless pieces of food might make trouble when they travel around.

C. Because they haven’t enough food for longer trips.

D. Because astronauts don’t want to waste food.

【2】In a spaceship, astronauts can ________.

A. walk just as they do on the earth

B. not eat anything because it’s dangerous

C. control the spaceship when they are sleeping

D. not litter small things or it will make trouble

【3】Why does an astronaut put his hand under his belt when he sleeps?

A. Because he thinks it is comfortable to sleep in that way in space.

B. Because he doesn’t want to touch any controls when he sleeps.

C. Because the instruments of the spaceship are easily broken.

D. Because he is afraid that the seat will move.

【4】What is the best title of this article ?

A. Eating and Sleeping in Space

B. How Astronauts Eat in Space

C. Food for Space

D. How Astronauts Sleep in Space

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