


Chinese writer and translator Yang Jiang died early on May 25, 2016 in Beijing at age 104. The longest-living Chinese woman writer, she was known for her modest, subtle and witty writing style.

Yang became a household name in China for her novels, essays, plays and translated works. Her most popular novel, Baptism, describing a group of intellectuals (知识分子) adjusting to a new society in the early 1950s, has been translated into French and English.

Yang began learning Spanish in 1959 at age 48, and started to translate Don Quixote in 1962. She was the first to translate Don Quixote into Chinese. The work was stopped twice due to the "cultural revolution". She completed it in 1976, and the Chinese edition was published in 1978 and has sold more than 1 million copies. In that year, the Spanish king and queen visited China, and then-leader Deng Xiao-ping gave the royal couple Yang's translation as a gift. Yang was received by Deng at the Great Hall of the People. While shaking hands, Deng asked her when she had completed the translation. "It's just published," she replied, having no time to tell the full story.

She was married to Qian Zhongshu, a well-known scholar and author of the best-selling novel Fortress Besieged. Yang's memoir about her family, The Three of Us, written after her husband and daughter died, in 1998 and 1997 respectively, was translated into German.

Yang never stopped writing. At 94, she started writing the book Walking onto the Edge of Life to reflect on her life. It won China's top book award in 2007. At 100, she was still writing articles for newspapers.

【1】In which did she start writing the book Walking onto the Edge of Life ?

A. 2005 B.2006 C.2007 D. 2008

2What does the underlined word in paragraph 4 mean?

A. A note of reminding somebody something.

B. A piece of news telling what is happening.

C. A series of the TV plays popular among young people.

D. A book or article of recalling what happed in one’s life.

3What can we infer from the passage?

A. Yang has two daughters with her all her life.

B. Her husband Qian Zhongshu is a well-known play writer.

C. Yang's books have been translated into French, German and English.

D. Yang finished translating Don Quixote without any difficulty and trouble.

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