
When we think of leadership ,we often think of strength and power .But what are these really ,and how do they operate?

Leadership today is not about forcing others to do things. If this is even possible, it is short-term, and tends to backfire. If you order someone to do something against their will, they may do it because they feel they must ,but the anger they feel will do more harm in the long-term ,They will also experience fear.

Fear causes the thinking brain to shut down, making the person unable to function at his or her best .If they associate you with this emotion of fear. They will become less functional around you ,and you will have succeeded in not only shooting yourself in the foot .but possibly making a very good employee or partner unable to perform effectively .Fear has no place in leadership.

The way we influence people in a lasting way is by our own character, and our understanding and use of emotion .We can order someone to do something ,which may be part of the work day; or we can employ them at the emotional level ,so they became fully devoted to the projects and provide some of their own motivation (积极性). Todays work place is all about relationships

Anyone works harder in a positive environment in which they are recognized and valued as a human being as well as a worker.. Everyone produces just a bit more for someone they like. Leaders understand the way things work .They know the pay check is not the single most motivating factor (因素) in the work life of most people.

The true strength of leadership is an inner strength that comes from the confidence of emotional intelligence---knowing your own emotions , and how to handle them ,and those of others . Developing your emotional intelligence is the single best thing you can do if you want to develop your relationships with people around you, which is the key to the leadership skills.

【1】 An employee may have a feeling of fear in the work place when ________.

A. he is forced to do things

B. be cannot work at his best

C. he feels his brain shut down

D. he thinks of his work as too heavy

【2】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. People tend to associate leadership with fear

B. Working conditions affect peoples physical health

C. Good relationship is the key to business success

D. Smart people are more functional in the work place.

【3】 Good leadership is mainly seen in a leaders ability to ________.

A .provide a variety of project for employees

B. help raise employees living standards

C. give employees specific instructions

D. deal wisely with employees emotions


Mark and his brother Jason both were looking at the shining new computer enviously, Jason was determined not to go against their father's wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. He loved experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.

" Dad will be really mad if he finds out you've been playing with his new computer.Jason said, " He told us not to touch it.

He wont find out," Mark said. "I'll just have a quick look and shut it down. "

Mark had been scolded before for touching his father's equipment. But his curiosity was difficult to control and this new Computer really puzzled him.

It was a strange-looking machine one his dad had brought home from the laboratory where he worked. Its an experimental model," his father had explained, "so dont touch it under any circumstances. " But his father's warning only seized to make Mark more curious. Without any further thought, Mark turned on the power switch. The computer burst into life and seconds later, the screen turned into colors, shifting and changing and then two big white words appeared in the centre of the screen; "SPACE TRANSPORTER.

"Yes!" Mark cried excitedly, "It's a computer game. I knew it! Dad's only been pretending to work. He's really been playing games instead. " A new message appeared on the screen; "ENTER NAMES



Mark's fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed in both of their names.


The screen turned even brighter and a noise suddenly rose in volume

"I think we'd better shut it off, Mark, Jason yelled, reaching for the power switch. He was really frightened.

But his hand never reached the switch. A single beam of dazzling white light burst out of the computer screen, wrapping the boys in its glow(光芒) , until they themselves seemed to be glowing. Then it died down just as suddenly as it had burst into life. And the boys were no longer there. On the screen, the letters changed.



【1】 Why did Mark touch the computer against his father's warning?

A. He wanted to take a voyage.

B. He wanted to practice his skill.

C. He was so much attracted by it.

D. He was eager to do an experiment.

【2】 Where did the boys' father most likely work?

A. In an electronic factory. B. In a computer company.

C. In a scientific research center.

D. In an information processing center.

【3】 Mark thought "SPACE TRANSPORTER" on the screen was the name of______.

A. a computer game

B. a company website

C. a software producer

D. an astronomy

【4】 What happened to the boys at the end of the theory?

A. They were blown into the air.

B. They were sent to another planet.

C. They were hidden in the strong light.

D. They were carried away to another country.

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