【题目】The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother.My ___ began when I was just a kid.I ___ becoming a doctor.

My mother was a domestic.Through her work, she observed that ___ people spent a lot more time reading than they ___ watching television.She announcees that my brother and I ___ watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week.In our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and ___ her written book reports.She would mark them up with check marks and highlights.Years later we realized her marks were a ___.My mother was illiterate.

When I entered high school I was a(n) ___,but not for long.I wanted the fancy clothes.I wanted to ___the guys.I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student.One night my mother came home from ___her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts.She said,”Okay,I’ll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms,and you can buy ___food and pay the bills.With everything ___,you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.”I was very ___with that arrangement but once I got through allocating money, there was ___left.I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to ___our heads and any kind of food on the table, ___buy clothes.I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere.Success required intellectual preparation.I went back to my ___ and became an A-student again, and eventually I ___ my dream and I became a doctor.

My story is really my mother's story—a woman with ___ formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. There is no job ___ than parenting. This I believe.

【1】A.belief B.work C.education D.promise

【2】A.majored in B.got used to C.dreamed of D.got tired of

【3】A.lazy B.easy-going C.successful D.reliable

【4】A.spent B.paid C.took D.did

【5】A.could only B.could not C.must not D.should often

【6】A.read to B.present to C.teach D.explain to

【7】A.joke B.means C.tool D.trick

【8】A.A-student B.B-student C.C-student D.D-student

【9】A.get rid of B.hang out with C.break away from D.keep in touch with

【10】A.making B.stopping C.working D.getting

【11】A.your brotherB .yourself C.your sister D.the family

【12】A.left over B.paid off C.used up D.carried out

【13】A.angry B.pleased C.disappointed D.bored

【14】A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing

【15】A.put an idea into B.gave an impression on C.keep a roof over D.have eyes in the back of

【16】A.let alone B.let out C.let in D.leave alone

【17】A.guys B.mother C.studies D.play

【18】A.made B.fulfilled C.changed D.tried

【19】A.little B.much C.few D.high

【20】A.more interesting B.less important C. more important D.less interesting

【题目】Lighting flashed through the darkness over Sibson’s bedroom skylight(天窗).Sibson was shaken by a clap of thunder ___ he knew what was happening. The storm had moved directly ___ his two-story wooden house. Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping.

Sibson rushed down the stairs barefoot to ____; he opened the door to the basement(地下室),and flames ___ out. Sibson ran back upstairs to call 911 from his bedroom. “I felt ___ because the room had a separate outdoor stairway,” he explains.

But the phone didn’t work, and when he tried to go down the outdoor stairway, he was ___ by a wall of flames. Sibson realized he was trapped(困住).

Sibson’s house was three kilometers ___ the main road and was so well hidden by trees that he knew calling for help would be ___

Up a hill nearby lived Sibson’s neighbor, Huggons. He was lying in bed when something like a smoke alarm ___ his ears. He jumped out bed took his ___ and flashlight, and headed down the hillside toward the ___.That was when he saw the rolling heavy smoke.

Huggons dialed 911, and the operator warned him not to ___ the house. But Huggons said, “There is no way I am going to listen to Sibson ___ and die in that fire.”

“Anyone there?” Huggons called out. Then he heard “Help! I’m trapped!” coming from the second floor balcony(阳台). He entered the house, but soon had to run back to catch his ___.

After one more ___ inside the house, Huggons gave up and ___ around back.

The wind parted the smoke just ___ for him to catch sight of Sibson. But there was no way to get to him. He ___ the flashlight into the woods and noticed a ladder. He took it over to the balcony and ___ Sibson down just as the second floor of the house fell off.

Sibson is still ___ when he tells the story, “I was alone that night,” he says. “Then I heard the most beautiful sound in my life. It was Huggons.”

【1】 A.until B.while C.since D.before

【2】 A.over B.in C.through D.on

【3】 A.hide B.wait C.check D.escape

【4】 A.moved B.gave C.went D.exploded

【5】 A.worried B.safe C.glad D.tired

【6】A.burned B.stopped C.shocked D.covered

【7】A.beside B.across C.off D.along

【8】 A.limited B.fruitless C.false D.regretful

【9】A.stuck B.missed C.touched D.passed

【10】 A.coat B.key C.basin D.phone

【11】A.road B.noise C.smoke D.danger

【12】 A.enter B.search C.leave D.damage

【13】A.call B.roll C.scream D.sigh

【14】A.flashlight B.attention C.ladder D.breath

【15】 A.attempt B.chance C.thought D.stay

【16】A.climbed B.circled C.looked D.jumped

【17】 A.enough B.open C.clear D.fit

【18】 A.led B.put C.shone D.drove

【19】 A.persuaded B.kicked C.forced D.pulled

【20】 A.nervous B.surprised C.thankful D.proud

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