【题目】Some people succeed(成功), while others may not. This is because some people have certain qualities, which others do not.

The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as people who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear aim and a reason for doing something because motivation(动机) is a key to getting success. If you do not have an aim, then you won’t work hard and put your performance under the microscope(显微镜) to make sure that every detail is right.

Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity---thinking about things in a different way and wondering how others would do the same thing. Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.

Reading is another to success, as it will help you learn about how other people have got success. If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang, who have got amazing success in their areas of business.

Practicing is equally important if you want to be successful because practice makes perfect. Practise every day at whatever career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself, your business and your self-confidence begin to grow. If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you as well. Your workmates will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more responsibility(责任). Finally if you are a successful person, you will be able to look people in the eye and smile confidently.

Success is yours for the taking! Cheers!

Title : ___【1】___

Certain qualities

Supporting details


●Try hard ____2_____people who do expect to win.

●Have a clear aim and a ___3____ for doing something because a key to getting success is motivation.


●__4__about things in a different way.

●Study how other people would do the ___5____ thing.


●Help you know about how ___7_____ have got success.

●Read books about ___8__ people such as Bill Gates and Jerry Yang to encourage yourselves.


●Know the ___9______ of practice because “Practice makes perfect.”

●Believe in yourself and do ___【10____you want to do confidently.

【题目】Like stress, burnout (筋疲力尽) has also become a favourite subject of everyday conversation(对话). Many of us may feel “burn out” at times in our lives. It can be prevented, however, if you take action before you are in danger.

First, you must decide what is really important in your life. Make time for the people and the activities that are the most meaningful to you.

Second, you need to share your stories and feelings with others. Talk about your disappointments(失望), sadness, and painful(痛苦的) experiences, as well as your joys and successes. If you do not do this normally, you could explode”. That will be worse for you. Good, healthy relationships with others will make you stronger and bring a greater balance to your life.

Third, make sure you have time off. Take short breaks as well as long holidays whether you feel you need them or not. Learn how to say “no” so that you can say “yes” to the things that are really important to you. Find activities to cheer you up, such as listening to music, dancing, playing sports, or watching movies. You should also make some time to be alone.

Finally, find a good doctor, like a psychologist, if you need help and all else has failed. There is no shame(羞耻) in this. Don’t worry a lot. It may bring your spirit back and make you feel more powerful.

【1】When you feel burnout, you should_________.

A. watch movies B. see a doctor

C. take some useful actions D. play sports

【2】What does “explode” mean in the passage?

A. 发生 B. 发作 C. 发展 D. 发挥

【3】If you are too stressed out, you’d better ___________.

A. shout at others

B. sing and dance with your friends

C. talk about your joys loudly

D. take some breaks

【4】According to the passage, some people don’t go to see a doctor about “burnout”


A. seeing a doctor is too expensive

B. they might feel shy to do so

C. they don’t know where to find one

D. it probably wouldn’t help anyway

【5】 Which of the following is NOT true about “burnout”?

A.Burnout call be prevented before it takes place.

B.Burnout doesn't happen to many people.

C.Your favourite activities can keep you from burning out.

D.Burnout may happen when you can't achieve a balance between work and rest.

【题目】It would be hard for a family to live on 300 yuan a month, wouldn’t it?

That’s how much Li Hua’s family have to live on for a whole year. The world is now trying to help people like Li Hua to live better. From Tuesday until today, about 2,000 government leaders(领导人), scientists met in Shanghai to talk about stopping poverty(贫穷) around the world. According to the United Nations, the poorest people in the world live on less than 8.5 yuan a day.

Most of those people live in African countries like Sierra Leone and Somalia. These countries often have wars and lots of diseases. Now, more than 1 billion people in the world live in poverty. The UN said that by 2015, that number should be cut in half.

To help China’s poor people, the World Bank has given more than 37 billion yuan to help China build railways and schools and stop river pollution and deserts.

Many places in China’s countryside, like Li Hua’s home in Chongqing, are very poor. Li Hua, 13, lives with her mother, two grandparents and a 16-year-old brother in Chongqing. Her father is dead. The family make their living by planting crops. They have no TV, no electric fan and no telephone.

【1】How much do Li Hua’s family have to live on for a whole year?

A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan

C. 1,500 yuan D. 2,000 yuan

【2】How many people will live in poverty by the year 2015?

A. About half a billion.

B. Over 1 billion.

C. More than 1 million.

D. Abot 1 billion.

【3】The meeting in Shanghai is to talk about stopping poverty _______.

A. in China B. in Sierra Leone

C. in the world D. in Somalia

【4】Why did the World Bank give more than 37 billion yuan to China?

A. To build airports.

B. To build museums.

C. To buy much food for poor people.

D. To help China get out of poverty.

【5】 Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Li Hua’s Family B. Still Too Many Poor People

C. What Is Poverty? D. Present and Past

【题目】I took the bus to school every day when I was in grade school. Alvin, our bus driver, came by every morning at 800 to us children from poor families up.

Alvin picked up around twenty in our area and dropped us off after school. About once a month he would make a at the local drive-in. Someone would come out and ask each of us if we wanted an ice cream or a drink. Alvin would the whole bus out of his own pocket. The kindness that he showed was .

I remember him picking us up at the end of the school year and taking us to his home for a party. He would drinks and chips for everyone.

Remembering the kindness he showed, I called him up twenty years and thanked him. I told him that he probably wouldn’t remember , but I sure remembered him! We didn’t see much kindness from others as we grew up, so it made it all the more .

I could hear the smile in his voice when he thanked me for calling. He’s the reason why I do my to show kindness to everyone whom I cross paths with. He’s had such a huge impact in my life and I’m so thankful that I was able to tell him.

【1】A. pick B. get C. make D. take

【2】A. girls B. boys C. kids D. men

【3】A. go B. stop C. look D. play

【4】A. ask for B. look at C. wait for D. pay for

【5】A. terrible B. surprising C. moving D. boring

【6】A. give B. provide C. offer D. take

【7】A. later B. ago C. after D. before

【8】A. us B. I C. we D. me

【9】A. difficult B. special C. careful D. usual

【10】A. good B. well C. better D. best

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