【题目】In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were not many people on earth, and natural resources (资源) seemed to be unlimited (无限的).

Today, things are different. The world has become too crowded (拥挤的). We are using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue like this, human life on earth will not survive.

Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing methods (方法), more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land.

We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die. However, in most countries, waste products are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are few laws to stop this.

We know, too, that if the population (人口) of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there will not be enough food.

What can we do to solve these problems?

If we eat more vegetables and less meat, we will easily get more food. Land that is used to grow crops can feed five times more people that land where animals are kept. The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control. Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner living place in the future.

The importance of protecting the environment


1. More fish being caught.

2. More __【1】__ being cut down.

3. More waste products being put into rivers.

4. More _2__ being born.


The world is becoming too __3__.Modern methods make the situation worse.


We human beings (人类) will not survive on the earth.


1. Eat more vegetables and less meat so that more food will be available (可以获得的) for everyone.

2. Use modern methods of __4__ control so that the population will not grow too fast.

3. Educate people so that the __5_ will be better and cleaner.

【题目】All my friends at school smoked. My dad smoked; he didn’t want me to smoke but my friends kept saying I was stupid. They asked when I was going to grow up. So I started when I was sixteen and after a month I couldn’t stop. But two years later I could feel what smoking was doing to me. I couldn’t run far, and I coughed every morning. I got very ill and decided to stop. It wasn’t easy, but now I’ve done it, and I feel better. Now I have money for other things.

If you smoke, you are twice as likely to die from a heart attack. And the more you smoke, the earlier the heart attack is likely to be. For example, a 50-year-old who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, is four times more likely to have heart disease than a non-smoker of the same age.

What does smoking do to the heart? First of all, it makes the heart beat faster and increases the blood pressure. The cigarette smoke also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. Consequently, the heart has to work harder, with less oxygen. Finally, your arteries will narrow faster if you smoke.

So if you want to reduce your chances of getting heart disease, the answer is easy –– not to smoke. Don’t copy your friends and other people who smoke. If you smoke, find out how to stop. Stopping isn’t easy, but you’ll be healthier, and ……

【1】Who is more likely to have heart disease?

A. A smoker

B. A non-smoker

C. A 50-year-old person

【2】What does the writer think of smoking?

A. It is good for his health

B. Smoking is bad for him

C. It is interesting

【3】What happens after the writer stopped smoking?

A. He becomes rich

B. He has more friends

C. He becomes healthier and has money to do other things

【题目】Imagine a life without arms or legs! You can’t hold anyone in your____You can’t walk anywhere with your feet. How would you last a day like that? Would you____at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic, the 29-year-old Australian?

Nick was born without limbs(四肢)so life was not____for him. At school many students played jokes on him because he looked different from everyone else. He was refused to be their friends, so he always felt____However, he faced that bravely. He____to type and write with two toes (脚趾) at the age of six, and he could____surf and play golf. In college, he achieved great success and was among the____students in the studies. And he decided on____to do later in his life—to encourage others to work hard for their dreams.

Now Nick is one of the most popular speakers in the world. He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story against difficulties. “Living life fully is about looking at what you____, not what you don’t have.” He said. His story encourages millions of people.

“I tell people to keep on getting up when they____and to always love themselves,” he said. “If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.”

1A. arms B. ears C. eyes D. teeth

2A. laugh B. cry C. smile D. shout

3A. old B. easy C. modern D. difficult

4A. happy B. alone C. lonely D. surprised

5A. failed B. forgot C. helped D. learned

6A. even B. ever C. never D. hardly

7A. tall B. lazy C. sleepy D. excellent

8A. how B. who C. what D. where

9A. make B. have C. want D. win

10A. fall B. exercise C. hear D. play

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