【题目】 students bring mobile phones to school? Earlier this month some experts in Beijing had a discussion about this question. There is on it.

One side suggested that schools mobile phones completely. Mobile phones have distracted (分心) students with games and hurt students with bad messages they said.

side argued that we should not refuse to eat for fear of choking(因噎废食). We should stop the act of sending bad messages stopping the use of mobile phones. What’s more cell phones are when students need to call their parents especially in time of danger.

Teens asked several students about what’s going on with mobile phones in their schools. In fact most schools allow cell phones at school but tell students they must until the end of the school day.

Most students think it’s a good idea to have a mobile phone it’s turned off. Li Zefeng 13 of Beijing said “Sometimes when I have to take extra classes I need to tell my parents to pick me up later. I call them with my cell phone.”

However some still secretly use their cell phones . Xu Nanqing 14 of Shanghai said once a student was trying to take a call on a mobile phone during an exam. The teacher was angry that he scolded(责备)the student in front of the whole class Xu said.

【1】A. Should B. Must C. Will D. Do

【2】A. agreement B. disagreement C. differences D. difficulties

【3】A. allow B.refuse C. let D. accept

【4】A. The others B. The other C. Some other D. Others

【5】A. instead of B. and C. but D. instead

【6】A. impossible B. useful C. special D. no need

【7】A. keep them off B. turn them on C. use them D. make calls

【8】A. so B. unless C. even if D. because

【9】A. at home B. at work C. on the bus D. at school

【10】A. very B. quite C. really D. so

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