【题目】A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years from now. It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today’s buildings, underwater “bubble” cities and holidays in space. The report is from a company. It asked experts (专家) on space and architecture, as well as city planners, to give their ideas on the life in 2116. They said the way we live, work and play will be totally different to how we do these things today. The experts used the Internet as an example. They said that 25 years ago, people could not imagine how the Internet and smartphones would change our lives. The Internet has completely changed the way we communicate, learn and do daily things. The experts said the changes in the next century would be even more unbelievable.

Researchers questioned 2,000 adults about the prediction (预言) they thought were most likely (很可能的) to happen in the future. They predicted that in the future, few people will go to an office but will work from home and have work meetings online. People will have highly developed 3-D printers that will let you download (下载) a design for furniture or a food recipe and then “print” the sofa, table or pizza at home. There will also be less need for visits to the doctor. We will all have a home health instrument that will tell us what the problem is and give us treatment. We will also be going into space for holidays and to get resources that we have used up on Earth. A prediction that is missing is whether people will still need to study English.


【1】The writer uses the example of the Internet in Paragraph 1 to show .

A. the Internet was often used

B. the Internet has developed fast

C. people will not believe the changes

D. technology will change people’s lives

【2】With the help of highly developed 3-D printers, a way to get a sofa in 2116 is to .

A. buy one in a shop

B. ask somebody to make one

C. download a design and “print” one

D. design and make one by oneself

【3】According to the passage, the missing prediction is .

A. how people will work

B. where people will get resources

C. what people will have at home to treat illness

D. whether people will still need to learn English

【4】The passage is mainly about .

A. the life in 2116

B. holidays in space

C. the history of the Internet

D. medical treatment

【5】The passage is most probably from .

A. an advertisement B. a newspaper

C. a detective story D. a health report

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