
Last year I spent my whole winter vacation in the US with my host family. The most unforgettable experience I had there was joining the Boy Scouts (童子军) of America. It was there that I got to face a great challenge: camping in the rain.

One Saturday, we went hiking in the rain for more than six hours. When we finally reached the camping site, my shoes, my clothes, my bag and all the things inside it were totally soaked.

Then, an even worse thing happened. Our guide teacher stepped out and said, Todays hiking is a test. Were not going back home tonight! We have to live here tonight! Soon we began to accept the truth and went to work. We just covered ourselves with a kind of plastic sheet and lay down by the campfire. While sleeping, I woke up several times. But to my surprise, I adapted (适应) to the environment quickly. Many others didnt even fall asleep.

The sun finally rose and our hope returned. The bus came at 6 am and sent us back to our lovely home.

Many in China say that children in the US were born with an adventurous spirit. But I think they were born with nothing different. Instead, they make differences by facing troubles positively. The camping adventure was a gift they gave themselves. Many Chinese children are over-protected when they are growing up. Therefore, when facing troubles, how can it be possible for us to react positively?

【1】 How is the passage organized?

A. /②③/④⑤ B. /②③④/

C. ①②/③④/ D. ①②③//

【2】Whats the meaning of the underlined word soaked in paragraph 2?

A. dirty B. broken C. wet D. tidy

【3】 During the camping, the writer_________________.

A. couldnt fall asleep like others

B. complained all the time and refused to accept the teachers test

C. arranged everything well and soon adapted to the environment

D. enjoyed sleeping outside and had a deep sleep

【4】 Which is the best title for the passage?

A. The Boy Scouts of America

B. My Experience in the Boy Scouts

C. An Unforgettable Day with My Host Family

D. The Differences between American Children and Chinese Children

【题目】Do you want to be a newsreader or a presenter?By reading this you’ll know how to take the first step to be one!Making a radio programme is fun.

The most important thing you need to do is to decide what kind of programme you are going to offer.Have you always wanted to be a DJ just to play music?If so,what kind of music?And will others want to listen to the music you want to play?

Maybe it's not music but information that you want to offer.You may want to do a talk show about a special subject.If so,great!Choosing something you’re interested in will make it a great experience for you.If you’re good at a subject, you’ll be known as a great presenter.

Or,maybe you would like to make a programme like an interview with others.Programmes like this are easy to listen to and always interesting to make because you’ll never know what a guest is going to say and maybe your subject will change.

1The writer thinks it's to make a radio programme

A. boring B. exciting C. fun D. rude

2The most important thing you need to do is to decide .

A. when to offer B. what to offer

C. how to offer D. where to offer

3What does the underlined word“DJ’’mean?

A. 音乐节目主持人 B. 新闻播报员

C. 酷爱音乐的听众 D. 体育解说员

4What does the writer think of a programme like an interview with others?

A. Easy and interesting. B. Hard but interesting.

C. Easy but surprising. D. Hard and possible.

5What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The important thing of making a TV programme.

B. How to practice your English listening skills.

C. The ways of listening to radio programmes.

D. How to make your own radio programme.

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