

Whitney didnt have many friends. She was shy and ___1___. She never wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to share ___2___ and laugh with.

Then it was time for her to go to college in another town. And she had to ___2___ with someone she didn’t know. She had no idea whether she could make friends in that new environment.

But something happened during the first class. And it ___4__ Whitney’s life. The teacher asked everyone to ___5___ a little about themselves. Whitney told everyone where she came from and some simple information. The last ___6___ for each student was "What is your goal for this term?"___7___ of the students said it was to get good grades, pass the tests or something similar. But Whitney said something __8___. She said that her goal was to make just one good friend.

When most of the students sat quietly, one student came to Whitney. She reached out her hand and introduced herself. She asked ___9___ she could be Whitneys friend. Whitney was surprised and happy. She __10__ and reached her hand out, too.

Their friendship lasted all through the college.

【1】 A. careless B. quiet C. noisy D. weak

【2】 A. marks B. friends C. tests D. secrets

【3】 A. quarrels B. debate C. live D. discuss

【4】 A. changed B. controlled C. destroyed D. blocked

【5】 A. remember B. share C. recite D.write

【6】 A. require B. decision C. competition D. question

【7】 A. Most B. Few C. All D. None

【8】 A. interesting B. different C. similar D. strange

【9】 A. how B. why C. whether D. where

【10】 A. smiled B. watched C. rushed D. turned


This afternoon, when I was looking for a self-improvement(自我修养) book, I found an aged folder(文件夹). In this folder, there were some of the examination papers Id taken during my pre-university days. They were on economics(经济学), a subject that I didnt really like much then.

I laughed at the silly mistakes I made as I looked through the papers. And memories of the past came to my mind. I saw myself sitting at one of the study tables, working hard for some of my life goals. Back then, it was popular for most students to set life goals, because they thought it was most important.

It was during those times that I first started to set goals for myself. I didnt know much about goal setting then. I didnt use any goal tracking(跟踪) tools, either. All I knew was that I had to go to university. There was no other way that I could give myself. To go through my lecture(演讲) notes, I didnt take breaks. For more revision with my classmates, I stayed back late. One time, I missed the school lock-out hours and I had to climb school gates in order to leave. It was perhaps this attitude(态度) that ignited my decision to go through what I had to do to get this far.

Yes, it may have been hard. But the sweet taste of victory experienced at the point of receiving my final results was so wonderful that I would never forget it for the rest of my life.

I closed the folder and dropped it into the dustbin(垃圾箱) in the room. Its time to get kicking with my next goal. And by writing this, I know Im getting closer.


【1】 When the author(作者)looked through the papers in the folder, he ________.

A. looked for a self-improvement book B. laughed at the silly mistakes he made

C. dropped it into the dustbin right away D. sat at the table and set life goals again

【2】When the author first started to get goals for himself, he ________.

A. didnt need to enter university B. didnt use any goal tracking tools

C. was sure that he would win the victory D. learned a lot from a self-improvement book

【3】Why did the author stay back late after school?

A. To be prepared to enter university. B. To learn more about goal setting.

C. To make his teacher pay attention to him. D. To get the chance of climbing school gates.

【4】The underlined word ignited means ________ in the passage.

A. reduced(减少) B. balanced(平衡) C. questioned D. raised

【5】 What can we learn about the author from the last paragraph?

A. He regularly(规律地) tidies his room. B. Hes not quite good at goal setting

C. He is ready for the next goal. D. He hated those papers in the folder.


So many of us expect everything we do to be successful. We look forward to success to show us our value or to be the top of the group wherever we are. How many times in our schooling did we hope for a high mark? We want it and then feel like a failure when we dont achieve what we want. Even when we succeed we still pass that and go onto the next success and then the next. We are not often taught how to face failures.

For me, failure taught me more than success did. Success is of the moment and temporary(暂时的) but failure means we have ever done. It makes me stop and think. It opened my eyes and brain to different possibilities. Failure is just a choice in redoing not in giving up. Experiencing failure,I looked deeper and further.

I have a grandson who plays hockey(曲棍球) and as all players do, he went through a slump. So I saw he was unhappy with himself. Then I said to him, Why dont you think of it differently rather than being unhappy? And I asked, Scoring is your goal, right? He answered, Of course. Why arent you scoring now? Do you need a readjustment(重新调整)?All of a sudden he calmed down he was thinking of what I had just said. So in the next game I saw him trying different things to do better. Later he started scoring. Now when something is wrong, he takes the time to think it over rather than just keeping the failure mode(方式).

Look at failure differently. Failure is what gives us power to try a different way of doing things.

It teaches us to rethink, redo, and then success will come about. Dont give up but learn to use a different way.


【1】 According to the author, when we succeed we ________.

A. are quite proud B. are usually wild with joy

C. usually set up a higher goal D. usually think of our failure over and over

【2】According to the author, failure ________.

A. is the thing that troubles people B. is of the short term or temporary

C. makes us learn more than success does D. can make him unhappy from time to time

【3】What does the underlined word slump in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Course of winning the game. B. Chance of being well-known.

C. Situation where one works hard. D. Time of losing heart or being upset.

【4】Why did the authors grandson do better in playing hockey in the end?

A. He grew up and learned more skills.

B. He thought and tried in a different way.

C. He used the skill his grandma taught him.

D. He didnt make a change and kept the failure mode.

【5】Which is the best title for the text?

A. Expect Success B. Face Failures Differently

C. My Grandson and I D. Keep Failure Mode


Five Facts about Goal Setting

These practical tips on goal setting can help make it easier to set and reach goals:

1 When it comes to making a change, the people who succeed are those who set goals possible to achieve. Im going to recycle all my plastic bottles, soda cants, and magazines is a much more doable goal than Im going to do more for the environment. And that makes it easier to stick with.

2 It will probably take a couple of months before any changes like getting up half an hour earlier to exercise become a routine(日常的) part of your life. Thats because your brain needs time to get used to the idea that this new thing youre doing is part of your regular routine.

3 Say your goal out loud each morning to remind yourself of what you want and what youre working for. Every time you remind yourself of your goal, youre training your brain to make it happen.

4 The key to making any change is to find the strong wish within yourself you have to do it because you want it, not because a girlfriend, boyfriend, coach, parent, or someone else wants you to. It will be harder to stay on track and encouraged if youre doing something out of duty to another person.

5 Mistakes are actually part of the learning process as you retrain your brain into a new way of thinking. It may take a few tries to reach a goal. But thats OK its a normal to mess up or give up a few times when trying to make a change. So remember that everyone makes mistakes and dont beat yourself up about it. Just remind yourself to get back on track.


A. Making mistakes doesnt mean failure.

B. It takes time form a habit.

C. Repeating a goal makes it stick.

D. Specific, realistic goals work best.

E. Pleasing other people doesnt work.

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