【题目】Jennie sat sadly at her window as usual,looking out upon the street.“What a long day this is going to be!”

Then she saw a little boy running down the street with his schoolbag.Looking up to the window,he_____his hat and said hello to her with a bright,pleasant smile.“What a nice_____.”said Jennie to herself.“It seems like having the sunshine.I _____everybody who goes by would look up and smile.”

George,the little boy,told his mother about that_____girl he saw on the way,“She looks so helpless.I wish I could do something for her.”“Why not give her some

______?”said his mother.George agreed.

The next morning,as Jennie_____at the window again,she saw George with a handful of beautiful flowers.He stopped in front of her window,smiling,and said,“Can I come in?”Jennie told him_____to get into the house.

Opening the door to Jennie’s gentle welcome:“Come in”,George said,“I’ve brought you some flowers.”“Are they for me?”said Jennie happily.“How_____you are!”she continued,as George put the flowers on her lap.“I’ve never received any flower_____we moved to the town.”“Did you live in the countryside?”asked George,looking around the old,small and empty room.“Yes,”said Jennie.

Jennie used to have a happy family and live in a beautiful house in the countryside.______,she lost her right leg in an accident.She could______walk like other people.Later,her father died,and her mother was sick for so many years that their money was all gone.They______the house,and moved here to get work to do.

George told his parents______.They decided to help her.More and more people in the town gave Jennie friendly smiles when they passed by her house.She was greatly cheered up.

A few months later,Jennie and her mother______a flower shop.People could_____

see Jennie sitting in the shop,having a lovely smile on her face.

1A. put off B. took off C. gave off D. turned off

2A. day B. door C. smile D. boy

3A. wish B. decide C. stop D. refuse

4A. rich B. lucky C. bad D. poor

5A. money B. flowers C. clothes D. food

6A. ran B. walked C. sat D. laughed

7A. how B. who C. when D. why

8A. busy B. handsome C. fast D. kind

9A. since B. until C. before D. when

10A. Although B. However C. So D. Or

11A. still B. always C. no longer D. any more

12A. built B. took C. pulled D. sold

13A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

14A. opened B. left C. closed D. reached

15A. hardly B. always C. ever D. never

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