【题目】The sneakers have been our best friends and can go with us in walking,running,dancing and also in the other sports.They always give us a comfortable feel and good look when we wear them.These sneaker shoes have a fascinating history behind their evolution(演变).

The sneakers were first produced in the year of 1,800 with a simple rubber sole(鞋底)design.The shoes were given the name sneakers because the soles were so soft and they did not make any sound on the ground.Keds was the first company during the early decades to produce the sneakers.

As time passed by,the sneakers also got the interest of teens and they became part of their fashion.Sneakers started ruling youngsters' fashion world.Then the famous company,Nike,also entered the sneaker world.The Nike Tailwind was their first model of sneakers and it was followed by Air Jordan in the following years.Nike plays an important role in the production of sneaker shoes and they also have the top place in the athletic shoes' market.

But now,sneakers can be given any possible shape according to a designer's imagination.They are used as casual sneakers,dance sneakers and athletic sneakers suiting men and women.The Vans plays an important role in the production of sneakers for women.These sneakers play an important part in the fashion world and they come in different kinds of models and suit everybody's need.Thus,sneakers,with a long history,have reached the top place in the market.

1According to the text,the sneakers can help us ________.

A. do exercise B. make friends C. hold the meeting D. keep warm

2The shoes were called sneakers because ________.

A. they have rubber soles B. the shoes are soft

C. it's quiet to walk with D. they are simple

3It can be inferred from the text that ________.

A. Nike first started producing sneakers B. sneakers were mainly for teenagers

C. Vans sells more athletic shoes than Nike D. sneakers have been produced over 200 years

4Sneakers become welcome because ________.

A. they have a long and fascinating history B. they attract women's attention

C. soft soles make customers feel comfortable D. plenty of kinds meet customers' needs

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