     A driver   1   his car by the road to have a rest. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. A man came
 up and knocked at his window to ask the time. The driver   2   his eyes and looked   3   his watch.
 "It's 8:05." he said. Then he closed his eyes again. Soon another man knocked at the window and 
asked, "Sir,   4   you have the time." The driver looked at the watch and told   5   man it was 8:25. 
He couldn't have a good rest, so he wrote some words on a piece of paper and put   6   on the 
window. It said,"I have no watch. "Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.   7   later a third 
man   8   along and saw the paper. He began knocking at the   9  . "Hi, sir." he said, "It's  10  now." 
(     )1. A. stops            
(     )2. A. opened            
(     )3. A. for              
(     )4. A. did              
(     )5. A. a                
(     )6. A. it                
(     )7. A. A few minutes    
(     )8. A. coming            
(     )9. A. paper            
(     )10. A. nine to a quarter
B. stopping            
B. opens                
B. after                
B. are                  
B. an                  
B. theirs              
B. Little minutes      
B. came                
B. wall                
B. nine past a quarter  
C. stopped        
C. open          
C. at            
C. were          
C. \              
C. its            
C. Little minute  
C. come          
C. desk          
C. a quarter nine
D. stop              
D. openned          
D. around            
D. do                
D. the              
D. them              
D. Few minutes      
D. comes            
D. window            
D. a quarter to nine        
Betty:   1  , officer. Can you help me?
Policeman:   2  .  
Betty: Can you tell me   3   to get to the Zoo?
Policeman: You should   4   the number 1 railway.
Betty: Is there a   5   near here?
Policeman: Yes. The station's that   6   . You should take the No. 1 train to Post Office.
Betty: Number 1 train to Post Office. Thank you.
Policeman:    7  . Good   8   . Remember,the No.   9   train.
Betty: Thank you.
Policeman:   10  .
(     )1. A. Excuse me        
(     )2. A. Yes              
(     )3. A. where            
(     )4. A. go              
(     )5. A. station          
(     )6. A. way              
(     )7. A. Anytime          
(     )8. A. luck            
(     )9. A. 1                
(     )10. A. You're welcome.
B. Hi        
B. No        
B. what      
B. take      
B. shop      
B. there    
B. All right
B. bye      
B. 2        
B. Anytime.  
C. Hello            
C. What            
C. when            
C. look            
C. park            
C. here            
C. Thanks          
C. girl            
C. 3                
C. That's all right. 
D. How are you
D. Sure      
D. how        
D. to        
D. policeman  
D. road      
D. Sure      
D. looking    
D. 4          
D. A, B and C                          
     Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their
family name comes last. For example, my full name (全名) is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family
name. My parents gave me other (其他的) names.
     People don't use their middle names very much. So "John Henry Brown" is usually called "John
Brown". People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names. So you can say John Brown,
or Mr Brown; but you should never say Mr John. They use Mr, Mrs Or Miss with the family name
but never with the first name.
     Sometimes people ask me about my name. "Why did your parents call you Jim?" they ask, "Why
did they choose that name? "The answer (答案) is they didn't call me Jim. They called me James.
James was the name of my grandfather. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. That 's
because it is shorter and easier than James.
1. Most English people have ____ names.
A. one  
B. two  
C. three
2. ____ is Jim ' s family name.
A. Jim  
B. Green  
C. Allan
3. English people use Mr, Mrs or Miss with ____.
A. the family name  
B. the first name  
C. the middle name
4. The teacher's name is Mary Joan Shute. Her students call her ____.
A. Miss Shute  
B. Miss Joan  
C. Miss Mary
5. People usually call the writer (作者) Jim instead of (替代) James because ____.
A. it's the name of his grandfather  
B. it's easier for people to call him
C. it's the name that his parents gave for him
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