1.Is Daming ready for his trip?        
2.What's grandma's suggestions(建议)?  
3.Where is Daming going to go?          
4.What is Drming going to take?        
5.When is he going to go to the airport?
     It was a sunny day yesterday. Peter went to see Daming. He had a birthday gift for Daming. Daming
was surprised because it wasn't his birthday. At that time Simon came back, with some birthday cards in
hand. "Oh, it's Simon's birthday today! I remember. "said Peter. He gave the birthday gift to Simon and
said, "Happy birthday, Simon. I thought it was Daming's birthday today. "Peter made a mistake ( 犯了个
错误) but he was happy. They all laughed over it for quite some time.
1. What was the weather like?
2. What did Peter want to give Daming?
3. Why did they laugh?
4. Whose birthday was it yesterday?
5. Did they have fun?
Miss Li: How did you spend your Sunday, children?
Sam: I stayed at home and watched TV. I saw a baseball game.
Jackie: I exercised in the morning and invited some friends over in the afternoon.
Amy: I tidied my room in the morning and studied in the afternoon.
Simon: I went to the bookstore and bought some books.
Lirigling: I went to the cinema and saw an interesting movie.
Daming: I played football with my friends.
Children: How did you spend your Sunday, Miss Li?
Miss Li: Well, in the morning, I shopped and planned my work.  I felt tired, so I slept the whole afternoon.
1. Miss Li        
2. Sam            
3. Jackie        
4. Amy            
5. Simon          
6. Lingling     
7. Daming        
A. watched TV                
B. saw an interesting movie  
C. played football          
D. bought some books        
E. slept the whole afternoon
F. tidied the room          
G. invited some friends over
Dear Simon,
         How are you?
         Last week I ___1___ (go) to Xi'an. It is in the west of China. I __2____ (go) there by plane. The
plane ___3___ (take) us into the sky. First I ___4___ (am) a little nervous. Then, I ___5___(look) out of
the window. The plane __6___ (is) on top of the clouds. I __7___ (see) somemountains below. I __8___
(have) lunch on the plane. Later, we got to Xi'an. It  _9____ (be) very hot in Xi'an. There is a very tall
pagoda(室塔) in the city. I also __10__ (visit) some other interesting places. The trip __11__ (be) great!
What __12__ (do) you do last week? I __13___ (miss) you very much. I am going to America next
week. See you in America.
Read and number.
     We sat on a big rock and wan- ted to drink some water. Then there was a big noise in the trees.
Suddenly this big thing came out from the trees and walked to, the river.  It was very big but had a
small head. It walked like a duck. We were afraid and sick. We ran to our house. Our mother and
father put us to bed. They said, "You will be better in the morning". But we will always remember this.
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