     It's Saturday afternoon. Tanya is going to the laundromat(自助洗衣店)on Lincoln Street. She
needs to wash her clothes.
     There are many people inside the laundromat. Everyone is washing clothes. Tanya has two loads
of laundry. One load is for colours, and the other is for whites, but Tanya sees only one empty washing
Tanya thinks, "I don't want to wait for another machine. My loads are small. I will put them together
in one machine."
     The washing machine stops after thirty minutes. Tanya opens it and takes out her clothes. Oh, no!
Her white sweater isn't white anymore. It's pink! Washing the whites and colours together is not a
good idea. Now she needs to buy a new white sweater.
1. What day is it?
2. Is the laundromat on Washington Street?
3. How many loads of laundry does Tanya have?
4. Does Tanya want to wait for another machine?
5. What colour is Tanya's sweater now?
     Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor looks over (检查) him carefully and says, "Medicine
can't help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month. Go to bed early,drink
some milk,walk a lot and smoke one cigar (抽一支雪茄烟) a day." "Thank you very much," says
Old John,"I can do everything you say."
     Four weeks later,Old John comes to the doctor again. "Well," says the doctor. "I am glad to see
you.  You look much younger."
     "Oh,doctor," says Old John, "I feel quite well now. I have a good rest. I go to bed early. I drink
a lot of milk and walk a lot.  Your advice (建议) helps me.  But you ask me to smoke one cigar a
day, and it nearly kills me at first. It is no joke (笑话) to smoke at my age. "
1. The doctor ____.
A. asks him to take some medicine
B. asks him not to take any medicine
C. doesn't say any word about medicine
D. gives him some medicine
2. Old John ____ after four weeks.  
B. looks younger  
C. is young    
D. is old
3. Which one is true (正确)?    
A. Old John smokes now.      
B. Old John doesn't smoke now.
C. Old John smokes less than before (比以前少).
D. Old John doesn't smoke a cigar a day.
4. What does Old John need?   
A. Some medicine.  
B. Some water.  
C. A lot of rest.  
D.  A cigar.
5. The best title (标题) of this story should be____.   
A. Old John                  
B. Old John is ill     
C. The doctor's advice (建议)    
D. One cigar a day
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