Read and choose. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。
       Hello! My name is Zhang Tao. I'm eleven years old. I am in Class Four, Grade Five. I was busy last 
weekend. On Saturday, I stayed at home all day. I did my homework in the morning and cleaned my room in 
the afternoon. On Sunday, I visited my friend Jenny. It was her birthday. We danced and sang all morning. 
Jenny's mother made a birthday cake for us. We went to the zoo in the afternoon. We saw the animals show
there. On Sunday evening, I played the piano first, and then watched TV. At ten o'clock I went to bed. 
1. —How old is Zhang Tao?  —He is           years old.
[     ]
A. four              
B. five              
C. eleven
2. On Saturday, he stayed at home              .
[     ]
A. in the morning          
B. all day                  
C. in the afternoon
3.            was Jenny's birthday. 
[     ]
A. Sunday                
B. Saturday              
C. In the evening
4. —On Sunday afternoon, where did they go?  —They               .
[     ]
A. go to the zoo          
B. went to the zoo        
C. were at home
5. Did Jenny clean the room?
[     ]
A. Yes, she did.          
B. No, she didn't.       
C. We don't know.
      There are three people in the zoo. The man is tall. He has short curly hair. His hair is black. His eyes are 
blue. The woman is beautiful. She has long straight hair. Her hair is blond. Her eyes are brown. The girl is 
pretty. She has long curly hair. Her hair is red. Her eyes are blue. They are happy. 
(     ) 1. There are four people in the zoo. 
(     ) 2. The man has short curly hair. 
(     ) 3. The girl has long straight hair.
(     ) 4. The woman's hair is blond.  
(     ) 5. The girl has blue eyes.
     Lily:Hi, Betty. Did you watch the football game between Class 1 and Class  3
     Betty: Sure. Class 3 won with the score four to one.
     Lily: Oh, what a shame (遗憾) !  Who scored the goal (得分) for Class 1?
     Betty: Paul. He played quite well yesterday, but he was unlucky, He shot 
(射门) the ball on the crossbar (球门横梁) three times.
     Lily: How about Class 3?
     Betty: They played really well. And their best player is very handsome. Many 
girls cheered (欢呼,喝彩) for him when he made a goal.
     Lily: I haven't heard about the handsome boy.
     Betty: He's a newcomer (新来者).
     Lily: I see.
(     ) 1. There was a football game between Class l and Class 3 yesterday.
(     ) 2. Class 1 lost.
(     ) 3. Class 3 won with the score four to two.
(     ) 4. Paul scored the goal for Class 3.
(     ) 5. The newcomer is very handsome.
(     ) 6. The newcomer is the best player in Class 1.
    It's Friday afternoon. The English Club 1.          a visitor. His name is Tony White. He's from
the USA. He 2.          in New York.
    Now,the children are 3.         to him. They tell him they are From different 4.         .Wang Bing
and Liu Tao are 5.         . Wang Bing is from Beijing and Liu Tao is from Shanghai. Nancy and
6.         brother, David are British. They are from 7._____. They can speak 8.         and Chinese.  
Ben is from the USA, too.  He doesn't speak Chinese.  He 9.         English and French.
Mr White tells the children he likes Shanghai and he 10.         to visit it one day.
    The Spring Festival (春节)  is Chinese people's festival (节日). There are different names for each
Chinese year. We call it the year of pig, the year of dog … And this year is the year of dragon.
    Before the day of the festival, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On the eve (除夕),
there is a big family dinner.  After dinner, all the family stay up late (守夜)  to welcome the parties on TV.
On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends.  They say
" Happy New Year"  and some other greetings (问候)  to each other.  People have a good time during
the festival.
1. How many names of the year are there in China?
2. What do Chinese people usually do before the New Year?
3. Is there a family dinner on the eve?
4 What do they say on the first day of the New Year?
5. Do they have a good time during the festival?
     Liu Tao is a Chinese boy. He's tall. He has black hair.  He studies at Yu Cai Primary School.
He's in Class 2, Grade 5. Ben is a new student in Liu Tao's class. He comes from the USA. Their
hair is not the same in colour. But they have the same hobbies They like playing table tennis , playing
football and listening to music. They are good friends.
1. What colour is Liu Tao's hair?
2. Where is Ben from?
3. What class is Ben in?
4. Is their hair the same in colour?
5. What are their hobbies?
    have,sometimes,down,hospital ,Never,live,sleep
    Bob and his wife, Cindy, 1.___  _ in a house near a hospital. Bob doesn't like living near a hospita1.
Ambulances(救护车)go up and 2.           the street. They have loud sirens (警报器). 3._____ the
noise is terrible. The sirens scare Bob, especially at night when he is trying to 4._____.
    "I want to move."Bob tells Cindy.
    "No," says Cindy."We are not moving. I like this house."
    "I am going to have a heart attack(心脏病)."says Bob.
"Don't worry. There is a 5._____ around the corner."says Cindy.
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