Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

  Last weekend Jane, Susan, Paul and Fred went to the countryside. They played in the woods and suddenly Susan shouted, “Look! There's an old house behind those trees.” Paul said. “Yes. No one lives in and we can go to play in it.”


Where did the children go to play? the countryside


(1)When did the children go to the countryside? ________

(2)What did Paul want to do in the house? ________

  The children quickly ran to the house. They went to the door and tried to open it but they couldn't. Fred said, “Look, that window is broken. We can climb into it through the window.” He helped Paul, Jane and Susan to climb in and then he went in. It was dark inside. Susan and Jane felt afraid. They said they wanted to go outside again. But Fred and Paul said, “Well, you two wait here. We are going upstairs!” they ran upstairs and went into the bedroom.

(3)What did the children try to open? ________

(4)How did they get in at last? ________

(5)Which child went in the house last? ________

  Paul said, “Look, Fred! There is a cupboard here. Let's open it.” Fred carefully opened the cupboard door. He saw two green eyes looking at him. “Help!” he shouted and the girls heard him shouting. They were all afraid and quickly ran out of the house. Fred climbed up a tree and the others stood behind it. Then they all looked at the open door. Just then a black cat walked out slowly.

(6)Where was Fred outside? ________

(7)What came outside after the children? ________

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in eachanswer.

  My name is Ben. I was having an English lesson now. The boy sitting next to me was Paul and he gave me a piece of paper. He wrote something on it and I read, “There is going to be a soccer game on TV at 4:15 p.m. Let's finish the lesson earlier and go to see it.” I whispered(轻声说), “OK.” It was half past three. A few minutes later, Paul put up his hand and said to Miss Smith, our teacher that he had a bad headache. So Miss Smith said she would take him outside.


Who was sitting next to Paul? Ben


(1)What subject was the teacher teaching? ________

(2)What did Paul want to watch on TV? ________

(3)Who went out of the classroom with Paul? ________

  After the teacher went out, I quickly moved the teacher's chair to the clock and jumped on it. Then I turned the clock to four o'clock. Then I put the chair back and went back to my seat.

(4)Who stood on the chair? ________

(5)What time did he turn the clock to? ________

  Soon Miss Smith and Paul came back and Paul said, “I've had hot water and I'm much better now.” Miss Smith walked to the blackboard and then she looked up at the clock. “Oh, no! it's twenty-five past four!” She looked at her watch, “What's wrong? It's only three thirty-five on my watch.” She shouted. We were all laughing. Just then, the girl named Sue sitting behind me stood up. She pointed to the clock and said to the teacher, “That's Ben. He did it.” Miss Smith got very angry. She looked at me and Paul said, “You two stay in the classroom after school.” We were both sad.

(6)What did Paul drink outside the classroom? ________

(7)Who told the teacher about it? ________

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