Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

I have o friend. His name is Rainy Day Monster, because he comes on rainy days. He waits for me in the cupboard. I open the cupboard and there he is. He's a big, happy monster, who is all the colours of the rainbow I laugh at him and jump on his back. He says, "Where do you want to go today, Tom?" and l always say, “You choose!”


Who is Tom's friend? Rainy Day Monster


1.Where does Tom find him? ________

2.How does the monster carry Tom? ________

Last week we flew to a beautiful island. The weather was hot. We played all day. We went swimming with pink dolphins, we ate moonfruit, we climbed pear trees, and in the evening we danced on the teach under the stars.

3.How did they get to the island? ________

4.What fruits were there on the island? ________

5.When did they dance? ________

The Rainy Day Monster took Tom home because he was tired. Tom was sad because he- didn't want the monster to say “goodbye”. Then the monster said, “Look! I found this box on the island. You can have it, but you must only open it tomorrow Now close your eyes.” Tom slept well all night.

6.Where did they go after the island? ________

7.Where did the monster find the box? ________

8.When can Tom open the box? ________

In the morning, Tom woke up. He thought about the day before the island, the pink dolphins, the fruits, his friend the Rainy Day Monster…and then, the box! The monster wasn't there, but the box was under his bed.

He picked up the box and opened it carefully. Inside there was a very small moonfruit tree. Tom took it outside and put it in his garden.

9.What did Tom find under his bed? ________

10.Where did he put the tree? ________

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

Last weekend was my birthday. I wanted a party, so on Friday I phoned some of my friends. First, I phoned Jane. I said, “Hello, Jane. Would you like to come to my birthday party on Sunday evening?” She said, “I'm sorry Betty, I can't. I've got toothache.“ Then I phoned John. He said, ”Oh, I'm very sorry. I played football yesterday and I hurt my foot.“


Whose birthday was it last weekend?  Betty's  


1.On which day did she want her party? ________

2.What was the matter with Jane? ________

3.How did John hurt his foot? ________

On Saturday I tried again. I phoned Ben. He said, "I'm sorry. My dad has got to work on Sunday, so he can't take me to your house." Then I tried Kim. "I'm sorry," she said, “I'm going to the sea with my cousins.“ I started to cry. I wanted my friends with me on my birthday. My mum said, "Don't be sad… your grandparents can come to supper for your birthday."

4.Who had to work on Sunday? ________

5.Who was the last person Betty phoned? ________

6.How many people did Betty phone on Saturday? ________

On Sunday I was sad because my friends couldn't come In the evening I went to my bedroom and put on my dress. Then I went into the garden and do you know what I saw? All my friends!

They jumped up and shouted, “Happy birthday, Betty!“ Then they gave me a beautiful kite. We all laughed.

My grandparents were there. and Kim came with her cousins. We danced a lot and they all sang “Happy birthday”. We had a great party.

7.Where did Betty put on her dress? ________

8.Where were all Betty's friends? ________

9.What did her friends give her? ________

10.Who went to the party with Kim? ________

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

Mary s uncle and aunt came to her house last week. They gave her a beautiful parrot. It was blue and yellow Mary was very happy with her new pet. She gave him the name “Pasta” and put him in the kitchen. Mary's aunt said, “Parrots eat fruit.” Mary's uncle said, “Parrots can talk. You must teach Pasta some words.” frst the parrot learned his name, Pasta, and then he learned the words “Mary”, “yes”, “no” and “lunch”.


What did Mary's aunt and uncle give her?     a parrot


1.What colour was Mary's pet? ________

2.What was his name? ________

3.What must Mary teach her pet? ________

4.How many words did the pet learn? ________

Now Pasta knows a lot of words. On Saturday Mary's mother came into the living room and asked the children. “What do you want to eat for lunch?” Mary's brother, fred, shouted, “Pasta please!” The parrot was in the living room. tie listened carefully and thought, “Oh no. fred wants to eat me!”Then he quickly flew outside.

5.Where were the children? ________

6.Who wanted to eat pasta? ________

7.Where did the parrot go? ________

Mary and fred ran outside but Pasta wasn't there. They were very sad. Then their mother shouted, “Come quickly!” They ran into the kitchen and there was Pasta. He had some fruit in his mouth. Me gave the fruit to Mary's mother She laughed and said to the parrot, “I know you want to tell us something-eat fruit but don't eat Pasta!”The parrot looked at her carefully and said, “Yes please.”

8.Who ran outside? ________

9.Where was Pasta? ________

10.What did Pasta give to Mary's mother? ________

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

My name is Daisy and I'm eight. Last holiday I wanted to see my grandmother She lives in a small village by the sea. I like it there because I can swim and play on the beach. My mother took me to the bus stop and put me on the bus that went to the bus station in the town.


Mow old is Daisy? eight


1.Where is her grandmother's village? ________

2.What does Daisy like to do on the beach? ________

3.Who took Daisy to the bus stop? ________

In the bus station I had to find another bus-bus number 20. I was hungry, and I bought a chicken sandwich and some lemonade in a cafe. Then I saw the bus start so I ran and quickly jumped on. I sat next to an old woman who talked a lot. It was hot and I slept. I woke up and the bus was in another bus station, but it wasn't my grandmother's village!

4.Which number bus did Daisy need? ________

5.What did she buy to drink? ________

6.Who did Daisy sit next to? ________

7.Why did Daisy sleep? because ________

I was sitting on the wrong bus. It wasn't bus number 20. I was afraid and I started to cry. The old woman said, “What's the matter?” I told her my story. She telephoned my grandmother and then she found another bus which went to my grandmother's village. She put me on this bus and gave me some cake. I was very happy and I said,“Thank you very much”

8.Why did Daisy cry? because ________

9.Who did the old woman telephone? ________

10.What did the old woman give Daisy? ________

Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Yesterday Jane's mum said, “I want to go to the supermarket. Can you help me Jane?” Jane carried one bag and her mother carried another They caught a bus and went to the town. The bus stopped opposite the supermarket and they went inside. Jane wasn't very happy because she doesn't like shopping.


When did Jane and her mother go to town? yesterday .


1.What did Jane carry for her mum?  ________

2.Which shop did they go to?   ________

Inside the supermarket Jane's mum picked up fruit and bread but she couldn't find any rice. Jane looked carefully and found the rice below the pasta, tier mum was happy and said, “You are a good girl Jane.” Then Jane's mum wanted some lemonade. Jane could see the bottles but she isn't tall. She had to climb up to the bottles. Then she jumped down again but she hurt her leg. She started to cry loudly.

3.What did Jane's mum pick up?  ________

4.Where was the rice?  ________

5.Why did Jane have to climb up? because  ________

6.How did Jane come down?  ________

7.What did Jane hurt?  ________

Jane's mum gave her an ice cream and she stopped crying. But her leg hurt and she couldn't walk. Jane's mum telephoned her dad and he came in his car to take them home. Jane's mum said, “I can never take you shopping again Jane.”Jane was very happy!

8.What did Jane's mum give her?  ________

9.Who came to the shop?   ________

10.Mow did they go home?   ________

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