How ___________ books do you have?
[     ]
A. much
B. old
C. many
D. far
— How ____________ is the book?
— Three yuan.
[     ]
A. many
B. old
C. much
D. far
— ___________ are her eyes?
— They're blue.
[     ]
A. What
B. What colour
C. How old
_______________ is it from Canada to China?
[     ]
A. How old
B. How far
C. How much
D. How many
— ____________ for a ticket from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?
— Forty yuan.
[     ]
A. How far
B. How much
C. How many
D. How old
— _____________ shirts do you have?
— One.
[     ]
A. How many
B. Whose
C. How much
D. How old
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