  1.talk_______    2.cry_______     3.like_______
  4. laugh______  5.play_______    6.eat_______

1. Danny is _______ basketball now.                
2. The baby is ________ fun.
3. She's _______ the newspaper.                    
4. He isn't _______  now.
1. sing______     2. sit______         3. play______
4. have______    5. laugh______    6. read______
They are ________ tickets.
[     ]
A. buy              
B. buys                
C. buying
例如: I see some people sitting (sit) under the tree.
1.I see Jay Chou ____________(walk) happily on the square.
2.Jay Chou is ____________(have) fun now.
3.I see Jay Chou_____________(fly) a kite on the square.
-What are the people doing?
[     ]
A. These are playing cards.      
B. They are playing cards.
  l. Jenny is_________ (put/ putting)a new film in her camera now.
  2. It __________ (have/has) a bandage on it.
  3. Help! I'm __________ (falling/fall).
  4. He __________ (break/breaks) his tail.
She is _______ her book in the desk.  
[     ]
A. puting            
B. putiing            
C. putting
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