
Part II

E Read and choose (阅读短文,选择正确的答案)

Chinese food is famous all over the world. It is good in colour and taste.

There are many kinds of Chinese food. They are Cantonese (粤式的) food,Sichuan food,Shanghai food,Hunan food and so on. Cantonese food is quite light. Sichuan food is very hot. Shanghai food is oily (含油多) .Hunan food is hot too. Spicy tofu (麻婆豆腐),steamed (蒸) fish,and sweet and sour pork ribs are very popular dishes.

People have different food in different places of China. In the north (北方),people eat a lot of noodles and dumplings,Inthe south (南方) ,people eat a lot of rice and seafood.

() 1 The article (文章) talks about kinds of Chinese food.

a three b  four c  five

() 2 Chinese food is good in .  

a colour b  taste c  a and b

() 3 The underlined (下戈U线) word “light” means ” in Chinese.

a轻的 b清淡的  c浅色的

() 4is very hot.

a Sichuan food b Shanghai food c Cantonese food

() 5 People in the north often eat dumplings and .

a rice b  seafood c  noodles

E    1b    2c    3b    4 a    5c


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