1. 你想跟别人一起去,但你又必须做家庭作业,你该如何告诉别人呢?
[     ]
A. No, I can't. I must do my homework.
B. I'd like to, but I must do my homework.
C. I'm sorry, I can do my homework.
2. 你想邀请别人和你一起放风筝,该如何说?
[     ]
A. Do you like to fly a kite?
B. Would you like fly a kite?
C. Would you like to fly a kite with me?
3. 你想问朋友喜欢吃什么,该怎么说?
[     ]
A. What would you want to drink?
B. What would you like?
C. What can I do for you?
4. 你想问别人需要什么,该如何说?
[     ]
A. What do you need?
B. What do you want to do?
C. What would you like to eat?
5. 你想拿菜单点菜,该怎样对服务员说?
[     ]
A. May I have the menu?
B. I'd like some bread.
C. Shall I have some eggs?
6. 当你想知道别人是什么地方的人时,你说:
[     ]
A. Where are you from?
B. Do you live far from here?
C. Why do you come here?
7. 你的同学口渴了,你给他一杯水,可以说:
[     ]
A. Here's some water for you.
B. I know you are thirsty.
C. Take this cup of water.
8. 你告诉妈妈李明的个子比你高时,说:
[     ]
A. Li Ming is a tall boy.
B. Ming is taller than me.
C. Li Ming is as tall as me.
9. 你想知道别人是否有空,可以说:
[     ]
A. Please help me.
B. Do you have nothing to do?
C. Are you free now?
10. 当你得知北方的天气转冷,你对准备去北方的朋友说:
[     ]
A. You should take some warm clothes.
B. It's very cold. Don't go to the north.
C. Drink some hot tea, please.
11. 你想要一杯茶时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I'd like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
12. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What's a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
13. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got. a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
14. 当你想了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like ping-pong?
15. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they? 
1. 当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说:
[     ]
A. It doesn't matter.
B. I'm sorry. I'm late.
C. That's all right.
2. 当别人对你说 " What's your job? ” 你可以说:
[     ]
A. I'm Kate.
B. I'm a doctor.
C. I'm Li Ming's mother.
3. 当别人对你说“Let's go skating!”,你不想去可以说:
[     ]
A. Sorry, I am busy.
B. OK, let's go.
C. That's a good idea.
4. 当你的朋友说“I've got a bad cough.”,你可以说:
[     ]
A. How are you?
B. I'm sorry to hear that.
C. How do you do?
5. 开学后,老师第一次见到同学们,会说:
[     ]
A. What's your name?
B. Welcome back to school, boys and girls.
C. Goodbye boys and girls.
6. 你想知道有多少把椅子,可以说:
[     ]
A. How many chairs do you have?
B. How many chair do you have?
C. Where are the chairs?
7. 您想告诉别人“今天是星期一”时,可以说:
[     ]
A. Today is Monday.
B. Today is Tuesday.
C. What day is today?
8. 你想对别人说“对不起”,可以说:
[     ]
A. Thank you.
B. Sorry.
C. Goodbye.
9. 你想让别人看大象,应该说:
[     ]
A. Look at the elephant.
B. Look the elephant.
C. Look after the elephant.
10. 你想问别人,“你在哪儿”时,应该说:
[     ]
A. When are you?
B. Where are you?
C. What are you?
11. 你想对一个熟人打招呼,应该说:
[     ]
A. How do you do?
B. Where are you?
C. Hello!
12. 下午与朋友见面时,应该说:
[     ]
A. Good morning.
B. Good afternoon.
C. Good evening.
13. 你有事麻烦别人,可以说:
[     ]
A. Excuse me.
B. You're welcome.
C. I'm sorry.
14. 你想说“我有6支铅笔”时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I have six pencils.
B. I have six pen.
C. There're six pencils.
15. 你想告诉别人“我很高”时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I'm tall.
B. I was tall.
C. I am short.
       Two friends  ①  a bear when they go through a forest  ②   .  One of them runs    ③   a tall tree near him 
and climbs up very quickly.  He forgets his friend.  He thinks only of   ④   . His friend knows bears  ⑤   dead
man.   ⑥   he doesn't move when the bear comes to him.  Then the bear runs away.  The man calls his friend
   ⑦   the tree,  "You can   ⑧   now. " The man smiles and  ⑨  , "What does the bear say to you?"  His friend 
answers, " He says I need a new  ⑩   ." 
(     )①A. look for  
(     )②A. by bus    
(     )③A. to        
(     )④A. his mother
(     )⑤A. isn't like
(     )⑥A. And       
(     )⑦A. on        
(     )⑧A. climb up  
(     )⑨A. cries     
(     )⑩A. house     
B. meet     
B. by bike  
B. in       
B. himself   
B. likes   
B. So       
B. in    
B. get up  
B. speaks  
B. tree     
C. look at     
C. on foot   
C. behind  
C. the bear
C. don't eat 
C. But      
C. behind   
C. stay there
C. asks         
C. friend 
D. watch      
D. by car     
D. up       
D. his friend 
D. doesn't eat 
D. Because     
D. under     
D. come down 
D. answers   
D. bear      

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