
E Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”)

Big cities 

Many people like to live in big cities because big cities are exciting places with a lot of interesting things. You can go to museums,cinemas,parks and libraries. There are a lot of shops in big cities too. You can buy things from all over the world.

However (但是) ,there are many problems in big cities too. There are too many cars in the streets,so traffic jams (堵塞) often happen. There are too many people in big cities. They have to wait in queue (PAffi) for a long time at bus stops,hospitals,restaurants and many other places.

Every year,many young people go to big cities. They want to start a new ife (生活) there. They study at schools or look for jobs (工作) .Some of them cannot find good jobs and they have a hard (艰难的) life. Big cities get more crowded (拥挤) ,and some places are very dirty and messy.

() 1 Big cities are not exciting.

() 2 There are a lot of interesting places in big cities.

() 3 Traffic jams often happen in big cities because there are too many cars there.

() 4 There are not many restaurants or hospitals in big cities.

() 5 Young people like to go to big cities.

() 6 People all have a happy life in big cities.

E 1F 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F


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