1. 爱迪生发明了电灯。
2. 卓别林演出了很多有趣的电影。
3. 冼星海是一个音乐家。
4. 齐白石是一个画家。
【答案】1. Edison invented the light bulb. 2. Charlie Chaplin made many funny movies. 3. Xian Xinghai was a musician. 4. Qi Baishi was a painter.

I | you | he | she | we | they |
me | |||||
my |
1. Daming has breakfast at home. _____ mother cooks for him.
2. I want my pencil, Amy. Please give it to ______.
3. Please find Daming and give these cards to ________.
4. The children are not doing _______ homework. _______ are very naughty.
5. Simon, your books are on the floor. Please pick _____ up.
6. Mary and _______ father are both very tall.
7. Simon, is that your toy on the sofa? Please put it in _______ room.
8. We're going to the cinema. Would you like to go with _____?
9. Lingling isn't here. ________ is at school.
10. I'm tall, but my sister is short. ________ mother is short, too.