
Listen and colour and draw.


  (1)The letter“s”of the word“SHOP”should be coloured yellow.

  (2)Eyes should be drawn on the doll's face.

  (3)The stars on the scarf should be coloured blue.

  (4)Five stars should be drawn on the hat.

  (5)The number fifteen should be written beside the big letter C

  -Can you see the ball?

  -What? You mean the basketball?

  -No, the tennis ball. Can you colour the tennis ball?

  -What colour?

  -Colour it green.

  -OK, the tennis ball is green.

  Can you see the green tennis ball?

  Now listen and colour and draw and write.


  -Can you see the word “SHOP”outside the shop window?

  -Yes. It's in big letters.

  -That's right. Can you colour the first letter of the word for me.

  -Do you mean the letters? OK. What colour?

  -Colour it yellow.



  -Are you good at drawing?

  -I'm OK. Why?

  -I'd like you to draw some eyes.

  -Eyes? Where?

  -On the doll.

  -OK. I'm drawing the eyes on the doll.

  -OK. Blue is OK.


  -Now you can colour again.

  -Good. I love colouring.

  -There are many stars on the scarf.

  -That's right. Shall I colour them?

  -Yes. Colour them red.

  -Can I colour them blue?


  -What can I do now?

  -You can draw some stars for me.

  -Draw stars? But there are already some stars on the scarf.

  -That's right. But I'd like some stars on the hat.

  -How many must I draw on it?


  -Then colour them?

  -No Just draw five on the hat.


  -The last thing now.

  -OK. Do I need to colour the guitar or kite?

  -No I want you to write something.

  -What shall I write?

  -Look at the price list on your right hand side.


  -Write fifteen beside the big letter C.

  -Sorry. Did you say fifty?

  -No, write fifteen next to C.

  -OK. I'm doing that now


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