
四、 阅读对话,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

Assistant: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Mum: Yes. I want a pair of shoes,please.

Assistant: What size? 8 or 9?

Mum: No. They’re too big. The shoes are for my daughter.

Assistant: What about size 5 ?

Amy: Let me try. Oh,Mum,they'e too big.

Assistant: What about this pair,size 4?

Amy: Yes,they fit me well. But I don't like black. Give me a pair of white,please.

Assistant: OK. Here are the white shoes,size 4.

Mum: Thank-you. How much are they?

Assistant: ¥20.

Mum: I'll take them.

() 1. The shoes are for Mum.

() 2. They take the shoes of size 4.

() 3. Amy likes the white shoes.

() 4. The shoes of size 5 are just right for Amy.

() 5. The white shoes are 20 dollars.

四、 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F


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