
四、 选择填空。(10分)

() 1. I have go home now.

   A. to   B. /   C. do

() 2. Because I don't have nice clothes shoes.

   A. any;and   B. some;or   C. any;or

() 3. —Where she live?

         一She far from school.

   A. do;live   B. does;live   C. does; lives

() 4. —How they come to school?

          —They to school by metro.

   A. do;comes   B. does;come   C. do;come

() 5. Excuse me,how do I the bookshop on Moon Street?

   A. get to   B. go to   C. get

() 6. You can see the supermarket your left. .

   A. on   B. in   C. at

() 7. 一What's wrong with you?

        —I a headache.

   A. feel   B. am   C. have

() 8. Yang Ling should some medicine.

   A. take   B. takes   C. taking

() 9. —What's wrong with Mike?

       —He a cold.

   A. have   B. has   C. is

() 10. —How do you feel now?

         —I hear well now!

   A. can can't   C. feel

四、1~5 A C C C A 6~10 A C A B B

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