
K Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正 “T” 误 “F” ) 5%

Table manners (礼仪) in the West (西方) 

People in the West eat with knives and forks. They use the knife to cut food and the fork to pick up food to eat. They sometimes use their fingers for piz之a,bread and fried

chicken. They usually eat very quietly. They try not to make a noise (声响) .They eat soup with a spoon. They never lift (举起) the bowl to their mouths. They do not talk when there is food in their mouths. They do not like to see food in one's mouth either. They do not smoke or pick their teeth (剔牙) at table.

() 1 Western people use the knife to cut food and eat food.

() 2 They sometimes eat bread with their fingers.

() 3 They eat soup with a spoon.

() 4 They do not talk at table.

() 5 They never pick their teeth.

K 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F


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