
Part II

E Read and judge (阅读对话,判断正误)

It is Monday afternoon. Liu Tao and Mike are at school.

Mike: Look!I have a new book.

Liu Tao: What book is it?

Mike: It's about (关于) Science.

Liu Tao: You like Science,right?

Mike: Yes. It's fun. I like it very much. What subjects do you like? Liu Tao: I like drawing. I can draw nice pictures. What subjects do I like? Can you guess?

Mike: You like Art!Can you draw a picture for me?

Liu Tao: Sure.

○1 It is Monday today.

○2 Liu Tao and Mike are at home.

○3 Mike likes Art very much.

○4 Liu Tao doesn't like Art.

○5 Liu Tao can draw a picture for Mike.

E    1 ?    2?    3?    4?    5?


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