

() 1. — there a garden near your house?

—Yes,there is.

   A. Is   B. Are   C. Am

() 2. It is day of the new term.

   A. first   B. the first   C. one

() 3. —How many are there in the building? -

—There are thirty-nine.

   A. computer room

   B. computer rooms

   C. a computer room

() 4. There any pens in my pencil-box.

   A. aren’t   B. isn’t   C. are

() 5. Let's go home now.

   A. to   B. to the   C. /

() 6. 一Where do you live?

   A. I live in Sunshine town.

   B. He lives in Sunshine town.

   C. She lives in Sunshine town.

() 7. -

—Because I can't go to the party.

   A. Where are you? B. Why are you sad? C. Who are you?

() 8. — are your teachers?

—They are the office.

   A. What;in   B. Which;on   C. Where;in

() 9. It's 8 :30 in the evening. We’re at home.

   A. having breakfast

   B. having a Chinese lesson

   C. doing our homework

() 10 —How do you go to school?

   A. By taxi   B. By ship   C. By plane

三、1~5  A B B A C  6~10  A B C C A

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