
I Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正误)10%

Hello. Welcome to my grandpa's farm. I'm Tom. I'm ten. Let's visit (参观)the farm together (—起). Look. These are apple trees and orange trees. Can you see the apples and oranges? They're green. They alllook (看去)great. Those are pigs and cows. Can you see the chickens and ducks over there? They're under the trees. Lefs go and have a look.

1    Tom has (有)a farm.    ,

2    We can see some apple trees and orange trees on the farm.

3    The apples and oranges are green.

4    We can see some pigs and cows on the farm.

5    The chickens and ducks are in the tree.

I    1      2   3    4   5    


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