
(     ) 1. Your name, please?
(     ) 2. What's his name?
(     ) 3. Are you Mr. Black?
(     ) 4. Is she her mother?
(     ) 5. Is he your uncle?
(     ) 6. Who's that girl?
(     ) 7. Who's this old man?
(     ) 8. Whose car is it?
(     ) 9. Where are the books?
(     ) 10. Do you like elephants?
A. Yes, I do.
B. They're on the desk.
C. It's my father's.
D. She's my English teacher.
E. Yes, she is.
F. My name is Kate.
G. Yes, he is.
H. He's my grandpa.
I. His name is Paul.
J. No, I am not.
1-5  F  I  J  E  G  6-10  D  H  C  B  A

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