

() 1. A. It's Friday.

   B. It's on the first of September.

   C. It's on the first of June.

() 2. A. My birthday is on the 2nd of August.

   B. His birthday is on the 2nd of June.

   C. Her birthday is on the 2nd of July.

() 3. A. It's on the fifth of October.

   B. It's on the fifth of November.

   C. It's the fifth of October.

() 4. A. August. B. January. C. December.

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A

二、 1. When's the Children's Day? 

2. When is your uncle's birthday? 

3. Today is the fourth of October.

What day is it tomorrow? 

4. Which month is very hot? 

(1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A)


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