
      It was a fine day last Sunday. Tom got up early. He got up at six. He had breakfast at seven. He ate three
sandwiches for his breakfast. Then he did his homework at eight and played computer games at ten thirty.
After lunch, his friends came to see him. They went to the zoo to see the animals at two fifteen. At four in the
afternoon they saw a new film at the movie theatre. He went home at seven thirty. Then he had supper. He
went to bed at nine thirty. Tom's Sunday was a very busy day.
1. Was it a fine day Last Sunday?
2. Did Tom get up early?
3. What did he eat for breakfast?
4. Did he see a film?
5. What time did he go to bed?
1. Yes, it was.
2. Yes, he did.
3. He ate three sandwiches for breakfast.
4. Yes, he did.
5. He went to bed at nine thirty.
       Hi, Jack, we're going to have our school sports meeting on the playground next week. It will last three days
from Thursday to Saturday. We have many competitions in running, such as 100-meter race, 400-meter race 
and the relay race. We also have the long jump, the high jump, and so on. I know you're good at running. Would
you please take part in the boy's 400-meter relay race which starts at 10:30 am on Friday? Please be on time, 
wear your sports shoes and take a bottle of water.           
       Good luck to you!               
1. What does Jim ask Jack to do and why?  
2. When does the boy's 400-meter relay race begin? 
3. How long does the sports meeting last?

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