
      Wang Li has some backpacks. One is heavy. It's red. There is an English book in it. One is heavier. It's
green. Some pencils are in it. There are many apples in the heaviest backpack. It's yellow. One day she lost
her green backpack. She took a bus to the police station. The policeman found her backpack.
1. How many backpacks does Wang Li have?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
2. What colour is the heavier backpack?
A. Yellow.
B. Green.
C. Red.
3. Who found Wang Li's backpack?
A. Policeman.
B. Friend.
C. Teacher.
4. What's in the heaviest backpack?
A. An English book.
B. Some pencils.
C. Many apples.
5. How did she go to the police station? 
A. By subway.
B. By bus.
C. By bike.
1. C  2. B  3. A  4. C  5. B
       In the USA, people celebrate (庆祝) Halloween on October 31st. Children always dress up. They wear 
special costumes and masks. They knock (敲) on their neighbours' (邻居) doors and shout (喊) "trick or treat".
Their neighbours usually treat (招待) them with chocolates and sweets. Or they can play a trick on them.
       Children also like to make Jack-O-lanterns for Halloween. They cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the
nose and the sharp (尖锐的) teeth. Then they put some candles in the pumpkin lanterns. Children like Halloween
very much.
1. Halloween is on              .
[     ]
A. December 31st      
B. October 31st                  
C. November 31st
2. Childen usually wear             at Halloween.
[     ]
A. costumes           
B. masks                       
C. A and B
3. The children can get             from the "Trick or treat".
[     ]
A. sweets             
B. lanterns                     
C. masks
4. A Jack-O-lantern is made of             .
[     ]
A. chocolate           
B. pumpkin lanterns and candles  
C. eggs
5. People usually put             in the pumpkin lanterns.
[     ]
A. candles             
B. sweets                        
C. chocolate