
Mr Black: What do you do on the weekend, Amy?
Amy: I often play the piano. Sometimes I go shopping.
Mr Black: How about you, Sarah?
Sarah: Usually I climb mountains on Saturdays. Sometimes
           I visit my grandparents with my parents.
Mr Black: That's great! How about you, Mike?
Mike: I often read books. Sometimes I go hiking.
Amy & Sarah: Let's go hiking together next weekend!
Mike: OK!
Part 1: Read and number. (按对话中出现的先后顺序排列下面各图)
   (     )             (     )             (     )         (     )             (     )  
Part 2: Answer the questions. (回答下面问题)
1. What does Mike usually do on the weekend?
2. Does Amy climb mountains on Saturdays?
Part l : 2--1 -3-5-4
Part 2: 1. He often reads books. Sometimes he goes hiking.
            2. No. she doesn't. (答案不唯一)