
二、 听录音,判断正(T) 误(F) 。(听两遍) (5分)

() 1. Liu Tao played computer games last Sunday.

() 2. Su Hai has a good habit.

() 3. Nancy wants to be a pianist.

() 4. Mike will go to London for the holiday.

() 5. Wang Bing is going to bring some fruit to the party.

A: I often read books on Sunday. But last Sunday,I played computer games. What about you,Liu Tao? B: I went shopping. 2. Su Hai often goes to bed late. 3. A: I want to be a dancer. What do you want to be,Nancy? B: I want to be a pianist. 4. A: Where will you go for the holiday,Mike? B:    Fll go to Lon don. What about you,Helen? A: Til go to Hongkong. 5. Wang Bing is going to bring some apples,some oranges and some drinks to the party. 

(1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T)


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