
D) 阅读对话,选出正确的答案。(选做题) 

Ben : Today is April Fools’ Day (愚人节) .Let's play a trick on Lucy and Lily.

Tony: OK. Here's a box. Let's put a brick (砖) in it and make a parcel (包裹) .

Ben : That^s a good idea. Let’s do it quickly.

Tony: Look,Lucy and Lily are coming. Let's put the parce under the tree.

Lucy: Look, .Lily. There's a parcel under the tree.

Lily : What^s in it? Some money? Let^s open it and have a look. Lucy: Oh,a brick.

Ben and Tony: Ha!Ha! Happy April Fools’ Day!

Lily : Lucy,shall we go and give it to our father?

Lucy: Sure. Let’s go to his study now.

Lily :OK.Oh,he's not here.

Lucy: Look,he's washing clothes in the bathroom. Hi,Dad. Here's a present for you.

Dad : Thank you very much. What's in it? A bag?Oh,it ,s a brick. Lucy and Lily: Ha!Ha! Happy April Fools’ Day!

) 1. Ben and Tony play a trick on on April Fools,Day.

   A. Lucy and Lily

   B. Dad

   C. Lucy,Lily and their father

) 2. There's in the parcel.

   A. some money   B. a pencil box

   C. a brick

) 3. Lucy and Lily find the parcel.

   A. under the tree   B. in the classroom

   C. in the box

) 4. Lucy and Lily's father is now.

   A. in his office   B. in the study

   C. in the bathroom

) 5. April Fools’ Day is on .

   A. April 11th   B. April 1st   C. April 14th

1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B

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