
      Hello! My name is Bai Ling. I'm seven years old. I go to school at eight in the morning (上午8点上学). I
learn English, too. I can speak (说) English and sing English songs. I can act like a monkey or a cat, jump like
a squirrel, fly like a bird, walk like an elephant.
      I have crayons. I can draw a teddy-bear: colour the face yellow, the nose green, the eyes blue, the mouth
red, the ears purple, the hands and the feet white, the arms and the legs black.
      I have some milk and some bread for breakfast (早饭); have some chicken, French fries and some juice for
lunch (午饭); have some hamburgers, hot dogs and some Coke for supper (晚饭). I am happy. Let's make
friends (做朋友).
1. 下面是Bai Ling画的teddy bear。请你按照文中描述给它涂色。

2. 填表,Bai Ling三餐的食物名称。
breakfast (早饭)                                                              
lunch (午饭)
supper (晚饭)
1. “略”
2. 早饭: milk, bread
    午饭: chicken, French fries, juice
    晚饭: hamburgers, hot dogs, Coke
Read and write. 阅读短文,完成后面各题。
        It's a sunny day. The students are having a good time. They are going on a field trip. Look! Chen Jie is 
collecting leaves. Zhang Peng and John are playing chess under a big tree. Mike is reading a newspaper. Sarah 
is watching insects. Wu Yifan is drawing pictures of the ants.
A) Read and judge.判断下面说法是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。  
(     ) 1. Today is a rainy day. 
(     ) 2. Mike is reading a newspaper. 
(     ) 3. Zhang Peng and John are collecting leaves.  
(     ) 4. Wu Yifan is drawing a picture of the tree.
B)Answer the questions.回答问题。    
1. What is Chen Jie doing?
2.What is Sarah doing? 
3. Are Zhang Peng and John playing chess under a big tree?
4. Is Mike drawing pictures of the ants?  

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